COSC 1046 – Fall 2014 – Assignment 1
August 4, 2017
1. Develop a SWOT and a TOWS matrix
August 4, 2017
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Paper instructions:
Must Read Case Study Leading Strategic Change at DaVita: The Integration of the Gambro Acquisition in Organizational Development & Change by Cummings & Worley, 9th ed.

How would you characterize DaVita’s strategy?
What advice would you give Kent Thirty in terms of leading and managing the integration of the Gambro organization?
What would be included in your “first 100 days” action plan?
How could you preserve DaVita’s culture in the face of an acquisition that includes Thirty’s former organization, Vivra.

What is the issue or problem being addressed?
What is the mission of the organization?
How is it organized?
What are the management and leadership styles?


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