Unit V Essay
Data Entry Using Flow Sheets
After reading the required chapters on Data Entry Using Flow Sheets and Anatomical Drawings and Using the EHR to Improve Patient Health, complete and submit the following in an APA formatted scholarly essay:
Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.
Gartee, R. (2011). Electronic health records: Understanding and using computerized medical records (2 nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Chapter 8&9
Unit V Essay
Data Entry Using Flow Sheets
HIPAA demands that all patients are able to retrieve their medical records, amend inaccuracies or exclusions, and be informed on how their PHI is shared with third parties. HIPAA provisions that has led to a widespread overhauling in electronic medical records. HIPAA Laws and Regulations are
divided into five Rules :
Act After reading the required chapter on Privacy and Security of Health Records complete and submit the following in an APA formatted scholarly essay:
and Regulations.
A clinician enters orders and requests labs in an electronic patient record, and then leaves the computer without logging off properly. You are working in the area and notice that the computer is on, but you assume someone is coming back in a minute. Meanwhile, a patient wandering the hallway notices that the computer is on and reviews her friend’s patient record. Who is responsible for
the patient’s lost privacy? What corrective measures should be taken to ensure the breach of PHI does not happen again.
Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below
Gartee, R. (2011). Electronic health records: Understanding and using computerized medical records (2 nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education