Create a presentation of your selected program using the presentation software of your choice that includes the program name, needs analysis, program goal and objective(s), learning objectives, instructional activities, measurement method(s), and description of activities you will use to launch your program.

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Create a presentation of your selected program using the presentation software of your choice that includes the program name, needs analysis, program goal and objective(s), learning objectives, instructional activities, measurement method(s), and description of activities you will use to launch your program.

Assignment 3: Program Presentation and Reflection  

Due Week 9 and worth 260 points

For this assignment, you will create a presentation of your selected program using the fast-paced PechaKucha presentation style of 20 slides/20 seconds per slide. For more information and background, read the article “What is PechaKucha?”

Complete the following for your selected program:



  1. Create a presentation of your selected program using the presentation software of your choice that includes the program name, needs analysis, program goal and objective(s), learning objectives, instructional activities, measurement method(s), and description of activities you will use to launch your program.
  2. Write a two (2) page summary detailing the following:
    1. Describe what you learned while developing your program. What aspects of it did you like/dislike?Is there anything you would have done differently?
    2. Find two (2) academic conferences you would be interested in presenting your program to. Provide the information for each conference, and discuss why these conferences appealed to you and why these audiences would be interested in your program.
  3. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Include exactly twenty (20) slides in your presentation, including the title slide.
    2. Include quality, relevant graphics where you are able.
    3. Provide narration of the presentation slides BY USING  SPEAKER NOTES
    4. Include a separate Microsoft Word document for the two (2) page written summary plus your 20 slides (18 slides content + Title slide + References slide)


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