Consultation and Leadership

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Consultation and Leadership

Consultation and Leadership Skills

Consultation has a direct impact on the operation of an organization. It can affect the direct services consultees deliver to clients, whether an organization reaches its potential, and an organization’s structure and processes. As you increase your level of experience and become a leader in a counseling program, you will use consultation to guide the everyday practices of your organization. Thus, it is important for you to develop a personal ideology (i.e., way of understanding) of consultation. Though not the only skill necessary for effective consultation, your philosophical orientation will guide how you utilize other skills in the many consulting roles you may assume. To prepare for this Discussion: •Review Chapter 1 in your course text, Casebook of Psychological Consultation and Collaboration in School and Community Settings, and focus on the definitions of consultation and the various models available to guide your practice. •Review the article, “Consultation and Interprofessional Collaboration: Modeling for the Future,” and focus on the collaborative process of consultation. •Think about how The Fifth Discipline defines a learning organization. •Then think about the various models of consultation available and how they fit within your personal philosophy of leadership. With these thoughts in mind: Post by Day 4 a brief description of your ideology of consultation and the skills that you have as a leader to create a learning organization. Explain a model of consultation that fits within your ideology and leader skill set.

Preferred language style US English

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