Students are to conduct a comprehensive review and assessment of a health care organization and prepare a report on their findings. The organization can be a current or formal employer, or an organization in which the student has an interest (in this case I?m interested in a hospital or any medical facility you can use imaginary hospitals as long as you answer the points below). The student must be able to access the organization and members of administration in order to acquire the information necessary to complete the paper. (It?s not necessary to do this as long as you can describe all the information and points below)
The paper should be 6 pages in length and include references. In addition to the textbook, students should include 5 or more references.
Analysis should include the following topic areas (this list can also serve as an outline for the paper):
Introduction/History/Demographics of organization
Services/Healthcare Providers
External Environment
In Inputs/Processes/Outcomes
Governance, Management
Use of technology
Financial structure/reimbursement
Service Integration
Health policy issues
Quality assessment
Current and future developments/issues that may affect the organization
Summary ? personal assessment, key learning points