Communications and Media: Film in the 80?s Custom Essay

**Write a 4-pages evaluation of resources, which briefly runs down what the basic critical positions on the subject are, what issues seem most at dispute, which critics seem to be centerpoints for later discussions, and where in general scholarship on this subject is mainly found.
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Communications and Media: Film in the 80?s Custom Essay

Film in the 80?s Images and figures constitute a significant part of the ideological representation of race, sex, and class in popular culture and films. The 1980s were dominated by films with a return-to-Vietnam theme. What characterized the 80s was Rambo and Reagan. The fundamental element of the ideological text of the Rambo movies was an emphases in the way in which the Reaganite ideology was transcoded. One of those series of movies was Rambo (1985) that started with the success of Uncommon Valor of 1983 which then saw three Chuck Norris Missing in Action films that spanned two years from 84 to 86.

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