Common Law & Early Forms of Punishments

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August 4, 2017
August 4, 2017
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Common Law & Early Forms of Punishments

Common Law & Early Forms of Punishments


Common Law & Early Forms of Punishments

Week 7, Assignment 1: Annotated Bibliography
For this assignment you will compile 6 solid sources into an annotated bibliography. (This is a
small-scale version of an annotated bibliography to familiarize you with presenting research in this
manner; annotated bibliographies vary in length with some providing enough material on a
specific topic to fill an entire book.) The purpose of this assignment is to organize your sources and
inform your reader of the quality and relevance of these sources you have selected for your
research. In completing this assignment think about aspects of your research question that still
remain unanswered for you and search for sources to fill those gaps. You want your annotated
bibliography to be a representative sample of publications that address the different aspects of
your research question. Do not just throw any books, articles, and other publications that are easy
to locate into your annotated bibliography. Be selective and ensure that the sources you include
are truly helping you find answers to your research question. This will also prepare you for the
literature review you will write next week. This assignment is worth 80 points and is due by
Sunday at midnight.


Please make sure you adhere to the following requirements in completing your annotated
• Your annotated bibliography should include citations for the 6 sources you have selected.
• The citation for each source you include must be done according to APA or MLA style (or any
other style approved beforehand by your instructor).
• Beneath the citation for each source, you must provide a 4-5 sentence annotation for each.
• The annotations you write for each of the 6 sources you cite must address the
following components:
o A concise summary of the source


o Your overall assessment or evaluation of the source (for this, remember the
CRAAP criteria used for previous assignments as well as that outlined in
Chapter 6 of your Badke text, pp. 145-147) — FOR BOOKS AND WEBSITES
ONLY (not peer-reviewed journal articles, since these have already
undergone a vetting process by other experts and scholars)
o How this source specifically addresses your research question (include any ideas it
gives you for further research)
• 3 of the 6 sources you include must be journal articles (they can be review and/or research
articles obtained through a library database or through an Open Access platform as per last
week’s Assignment 1). Other sources can be from reputable websites, books, and other
legitimate sources appropriate for academic research.
• You are allowed to include up to 4 sources used in previous assignments this term, if you feel
they are still relevant in terms of the development of your research. Again, be sure that the
sources you select are appropriate for use in academic research. It is your responsibility to
check with your instructor if you are not sure!
• DO NOT include encyclopedia or dictionary sources for this assignment.
• It is highly recommended that you review sources you have selected for previous
assignments that may still apply to your research question. Scan the references, works
cited, and/or footnotes sections of these sources, if provided, to see what other sources
may be useful to track down. Note specific works and authors mentioned repeatedly since
these may be seminal works or important experts to know about for your topic. View the


“Journal Finder” tutorial at to learn how to find
out if Leatherby Libraries contains a particular article in its print or electronic collections. If
you need help tracking down a particular source, please contact your librarians Annie
Knight and Wenling Tseng for assistance.
• See the “Search Path Reminders” section of this assignment (listed below) for ideas and
reminders about various ways to locate appropriate sources.
• If you decide to include a web document as one of your sources, be sure that you have
thoroughly evaluated it to ensure that it is a legitimate source of information. For example, a
report published by a government or non-profit agency would be considered an appropriate
and credible source. Again, it is your responsibility to contact your instructor if you have any
questions about this.
Reminders about Content and Format of the Annotated Bibliography:
assignments this term, your annotations must also include the following or you will be
graded down:
o Your overall assessment or evaluation of the source (for this, remember the CRAAP
criteria used for previous assignments as well as that outlined in Chapter 6 of your
Badke text, pp. 145-147) – FOR BOOKS AND WEBSITES ONLY (not peer-reviewed
journal articles, since these have already undergone a vetting process by other
experts and scholars)


o How this source specifically addresses your research question (include any ideas it
gives you for further research)
Each of your sources should specifically address one or more aspects of your research question.
Your sources can include books (including e-books), journal articles, government publications,
dissertations, professional publications, or other credible sources of information. For ideas on how
to locate additional sources, please see read the following section “Search Path Reminders.” If you
are not sure whether or not a particular source is appropriate for this assignment, it is your
responsibility to check with your instructor.
You can view examples of annotated bibliography entries on Purdue University’s Online Writing
Lab website at (there are examples
provided for both MLA and APA citation styles; you may need to scroll down the page to view
entries in their entirety).
Search Path Reminders:
• Books and Videos
Searching the Leatherby Libraries online catalog allows you to find records for books and videos
related to your topic. Most of these items can be checked out through your ILLiad borrowing
account and mailed to your home if marked as available in the catalog. Being that this service
can take up to five business days, be sure to plan accordingly. To access the Library’s catalog,
go to the Leatherby Library’s homepage: (see “Library Catalog”
under “Start Your Search”). To set up your ILLiad borrowing account, visit
3 Remember that you can also use
relevant books available at your local library.
• E-Books
Access a number of full text e-books online through Leatherby Libraries’ numerous e-book
collections. Visit for a list of e-book
collections subscribed to by the Library and to begin your search for e-books.
• Journal Articles
There are many ways for you to access scholarly or peer-reviewed journal articles. If you need a
refresher on how to access journal articles, revisit the search processes you took to complete
your work for Weeks 4-6. If you are not sure if a particular article is scholarly, consult with your
instructor earlier in the week (to allow for enough time for a response before the assignment is
• Professional Resources
Through professional organization websites, you can learn about and in many cases access
resources that may be useful for your research such as trade publications and reports. To find
professional organization websites for your area, try searching the Web using terms that
describe your field as well as the term “professional organization.” For example, if you are in the
field of nursing, try searching “nursing professional organization.” If you need help figuring out if
a professional organization is reputable, contact your instructor or a librarian for assistance.
Aside from completing your research for this course, it is a good habit for you to follow
publications produced by professional organizations in your field. This can help you keep up to
date on new trends and best practices in your profession. Not to mention, you may decide at
some point in your career to submit your writing or research for publication in certain
professional publications, so familiarizing yourself with such publications is a great place to


  • Government documents
    Government documents is a broad term that includes many different kinds of publications
    including statistics, court cases, historical documents, and other materials that are produced by
    a government agency. Your Badke text provides tips on accessing government documents on p.
    14 – Section 1.5.3 “Government and corporate documents” and pp. 157-158 – Section 7.4
    “Government documents.” Remember that you can employ the Google domain search
    technique to find government documents, covered in Week 2, by using Google’s Advanced
    Search interface at and enter your search terms into
    the search box next to “all these words.” Then, enter “.gov” into the box next to “Search within
    a site or domain:” (bottom of the page) to limit your search to retrieve only results from
    government websites.
    • Dissertations
    Dissertations are also good resources for learning about new research done on a certain topic.
    The Dissertations & Theses database is an excellent resource for locating full text doctoral
    dissertations on a wide variety of topics. To access, begin at the Leatherby Libraries homepage,, click “General Databases” (bottom of the page), and click
    “Connect” under “Dissertations &Theses Full Text – ProQuest.” Being that this database is
    proprietary (subscription-based), you must provide your Brandman username and password
    when prompted. There are also a number of free sources for locating dissertations, which is
    covered in your Badke text on pp. 158-159 – Section 7.5 “Doctoral dissertations.”
    • And there are so many other ways to locate resources! Dig in, and feel free to ask your librarians
    Annie Knight and Wenling Tseng for assistance.
    – End of Assignment –
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