Combine the narrative review with the character assessment.

Upstream, Downstream
August 4, 2017
August 4, 2017
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Combine the narrative review with the character assessment.

Combine the narrative review with the character assessment.

Narrative Review (Approximately 1,2 pages) €“ Give a detailed description of how the book impacted you on a personal level. THIS IS NOT A BOOK SUMMARY OR AN ENGLISH

PAPER. Use literary examples to discuss an issue that relates to your personal life, values, beliefs, or passions.

Character Assessment (Approximately 1,2 pages) €“ Pick a character and discuss how his/her actions, thoughts, etc affect you in a personal way. Example: Kids like

Pharoah give me hope that it is possible to overcome adversity and negative circumstances and become who you want to be or I cried and cried. Use excerpts from

There Are No Children Here to support your views.

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