
U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II
August 4, 2017
The Importance of Accountability Paper Grading Criteria
August 4, 2017
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You are required (in a group of 2 or 3) to develop a luxury co-branding strategy.
You may chose from any of the 4 major methods of co-branding as outlined on p170-171 in the prescribed text €“ Luxury Fashion Branding (Okonokwo 2007).
You must identify and analyse 2 current local and/or global brands’ that would benefit from a co-branding strategy. At least one brand must be a luxury brand.
You will be required for both brands to discuss the following –
Background –
€¢    Provide a brief background to the brand (eg:company background, product range, distribution, promotion)
€¢    Current Market Situation (eg: lifecycle stage of the brand, current market dynamics, market trends)
€¢    SWOT
€¢    Target Market
€¢    Key competitors
€¢    Market Positioning (include a perceptual map)

Future co-branding proposal €“
€¢    Justification of strategic alliance
€¢    Objectives
€¢    Brand strategy
€¢    Product strategy
€¢    Price strategy
€¢    Distribution strategy
€¢    Promotion strategy
€¢    Creative ideas should be illustrated visually to represent your proposal.

The report needs to incorporate the following elements:
Cover Page
Table of contents
Executive Summary
Body of report (Research and Analysis)
Reference List
Appendices (optional)

DRAFT PROPOSAL  €“ Presented in class for feedback and discussion (Week 8)
REPORT & PRESENTATION  (Week 12, 16/10/14- (email 9am in class before presentations)
*Peer Evaluation must be included with emailed report
€¢    40% Report (4000 words) + 10% Oral Presentation (15-20 mins)
€¢    This project can be undertaken in a group of 2 or 3.

Utilisation of research and Theory    / 10

Quality of Discussion and Analysis

/ 20
Quality of Visuals, Diagrams, Tables, Appendices

/ 5
Justification     / 5

Clear, Concise, Interesting and Engaging

Quality of Content and Analysis, Answering of Questions

/ 5
Quality of Visuals and Diagrams


TOTAL    /10

* Note: Penalties and Deductions for all assessments (excluding special consideration)

Marks will be deducted within a report for the following:
€¢    Grammar €“ where poor grammar or spelling errors are made.
€¢    Referencing €“ Harvard format must be followed (see RMIT website for assistance)  if incorrect or no referencing used for research plagiarism action may be taken as per RMIT guidelines
€¢    Presentation & Layout €“ Poor layout, unprofessional format that doesn’t follow the brief or excessive variance in word limit

Peer Evaluation of Individual Participation in Group
Must be included with group report as part of the assessment
To be completed by each student with final scores for the group calculated as a total and advised to ALL group members then submitted with group report (one sheet only per group)
Please give a mark out of 100%  to the team member(s) who you believed made the greatest contribution to the team (including yourself). Please rate the contribution of each other member of your team on a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 means they made no contribution and 50 means they made half the contribution of the team’s leading contributor. The captain of the group will calculate everyone’s individual scores from their team and the lecturer will finalise the individual mark each based on the assignment score.
Some of factors you may like to take into consideration are;
€¢    Level of participation in team discussions and activities
€¢    Helped keep the team focused on the task
€¢    Contributed useful ideas
€¢    Did a fair share of workload
€¢    Quality of output
€¢    Level of communication and response to task requests

Team members’ names (incl your own)    Student Number    Contribution
(out of 100)%


Please provide explanations for ratings of 70 or less, and if appropriate, describe how you have attempted to encourage the team member to improve their performance.
These comments are reviewed if students appeal their peer evaluations, so it is important that your explanations are factual, legible and professional. (You can write additional comments on the reverse side of this sheet if necessary.)

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