cinematic techniques

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cinematic techniques

cinematic techniques

Paper instructions:
Each answer must run between 250 and 300 words. Also, you’re NOT allowed to read any film review, blog, article, or do any research on the film (unless a question specifically asks you to).

Lowest possible I currently only have $42.00

1.Describe the film’s central theme (not the plot) and discuss at least one recurring motif.

2.Describe how Hitchcock portrays Bruno and his psychological behavior. Your analysis of the character should include detailed examples from the film’s dialogue, mise-en-scène and visual techniques

3.Choose a sequence where the combination of different cinematic techniques caught your attention. Discuss the sequence in great detail and explain how the film techniques contribute to the story. Do NOT comment on examples provided in the previous answers.

4.Provide an example of crosscutting used in the film with the purpose of creating suspense. Describe the sequence in great detail.

5.Conclusion: Indicate your judgement of the film’s quality by evaluating if the director employed film language to convey the story and its main themes in an effective and convincing way.

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