Chemotherapy and Selective Toxicity

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Chemotherapy and Selective Toxicity

Chemotherapy and Selective Toxicity

300 word + maximum 1 figure popular science article and 1000 word essay.
1) 1) Drugs are often based on selective toxicity. Write a 300 word “science journalism” style introduction for the general public on selective toxicity in cancer, illustrating this with examples.
This should be a short article on how we can treat cancer using selective toxicity. It should explain, as if to a patient who will be undergoing cancer therapy using a selectively toxic agent, what is meant by selective toxicity, and what this means in terms of how the drugs interact with their bodies. It should be both honest in terms of information but also reassure. It should inform the patient of what the drug is doing, why this kills the cells, and what the associated problems are. You can choose one anticancer treatment, or deal with the subject in more general terms, but the latter must be illustrated with examples.

2) 2) The second part is a 1000 word essay on the current limitations of cancer chemotherapy.
What are the limitations of current cancer chemotherapy and, therefore, what do we need to do better in order to have better drugs? What do you say to a patient who asks you why chemotherapy generally has unpleasant side effects and why aren’t the scientists doing something about this?
This essay could explore a number of areas. What are the examples of drugs that are far from ideal, and why is this. Are there more modern, better treatments that work well with minimal side effects? If so, why is this and can these properties be transferred to generate new drugs? Are combination therapies the way forward, or do these too have limitations? What roles do disease heterogeneity and “personalized medicine” play? What is the interplay with other treatments including surgery and radiation therapy?


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