Case Managment

Estate Tax
August 4, 2017
Learning Outcome Assessment (( WebQuest ))
August 4, 2017
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Case Managment

Read the case scenario below and address the questions listed.

Corey is homeless and mentally ill. The police took Corey into custody because he was found wandering around Main Street in his pajamas, with no shoes on and stated that his thoughts are being taken out of his head and broadcast on the local news so that now everyone knows what he is thinking.

The police also stated that when he was taken into custody Corey was running into traffic and shouting "I can’t take this anymore."

What are some questions you might have to determine Corey’s classification?

What are some possible classifications and diagnosis?

What are some possible interventions?

Be sure to respond substantively to your classmates, telling them if you agree or disagree with them and be sure to provide any academic support for your response.

Discussion Two

The mental status examination (MSE) is based on your observations of the client. It is not related to the facts of the client’s situation, but to the way the person acts, how the person talks, and how the person looks while in your presence.

What are some specific questions that you might ask yourself when observing your clients in a correctional setting?

Be sure to include all of the questions that might apply to your observation of your client’s speech, dress, hygiene, and behavi

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