Business Topics for Research Paper: Management Techniques

African American history Please answer the following five questions in at least 500 words each essay… *1.Evaluate the main forms that slave resistance took, analyze the historical forces behind this resistance, and explain its main effects. *2.Explain why slavery was questioned widely during the Revolutionary period and why the Northern and Southern history of the institution diverged so greatly after the Revolution. *3.From the early colonial period to the Civil War, enslaved people who were descended from many African nationalities and ethnicities managed to construct a broadly common culture and ethnic identity of their own. Explain how they did this, what cultural resources they drew on, and and what the main forms of this culture were. Evaluate the importance of the emergence of African American culture under slavery to the history of African Americans and to the U.S. in general. *4.It is widely believed that from the Northern point of view, the Civil War was a war to end slavery, but in fact the initial war goal of the Union was to force the secessionist states back even with slavery intact. Explain why the North failed initially to advocate the destruction of slavery. And explain why and how this changedwhy and how the Civil War did in fact became for the North a war to abolish slavery. *5.Explain how subsequent U.S. history might have been different if, during Reconstruction, the plantations of the South had been divided and ex-slaves had been given plots of land and the means to farm these. Evaluate why, despite the demands of freed people, supported by some Radical Republicans, general land redistribution in the South was never implemented by the federal government. References… To Make Our World Anew, Volume 1 Crossing The Danger Water Other reference material is okay as long as it is from an American author and can be found. Please properly cite the work. ORDER THIS ESSAY HERE NOW AND GET A DISCOUNT !!!
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Business Topics for Research Paper: Management Techniques

Business Topics for Research Paper: Management Techniques


This guideline is intended for candidates applying to pursue their postgraduate degrees by research. Candidates are required to submit a 2000-word research proposal, which should comprise the following elements:

Background or a brief literature review on the research topic

Ø Describe the current state of the art. Why is the research needed? Outline previous work in this field. How will the results fill this need and how will the results be beneficial? To what extent does this research build upon or add to existing research.

Objective of study

Ø Describe the objectives that influence the research. May be stated as questions which the research seeks to answer or as hypotheses to be tested.

Scope of study

Ø Be specific in what you want to conduct research on, and try to draw a boundary around the area of study that you think you can finish within the time allowed.


Ø Describe the design or procedural plan to be followed or methods to be used in the study such as library research, lab work, field work, historical documentary, interview, survey, evaluation and analysis, pitfalls that may be encountered and limitations to proposed procedures.

Work schedule

Ø Please provide a detailed Gantt chart, stating the expected commencement date of research, and the expected date of the submission of the final thesis.
Ø When preparing a framework for the research, please include time estimates for the completion of its various phases bearing in mind the maximum periods of candidacy

Equipment required (where applicable)

Ø Any special equipment, techniques, literature or statistical advice needed? Estimated costs (where applicable)

Ø Please provide a brief estimate of costs involved in completing the research.

Brief bibliography or references

????A familiarity with the literature in the field should be shown


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