briefly describe the main biochemical actions of telomerase and discuss the significance of differing levels of telomerase activity in different types of cell.

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briefly describe the main biochemical actions of telomerase and discuss the significance of differing levels of telomerase activity in different types of cell.


briefly describe the main biochemical actions of telomerase and discuss the significance of differing levels of telomerase activity in different types of cell.

Initial References
(1) Papachristodoulou, D., Snape, A., Elliott, W.H., and Elliott, D.C. (2014). Telomeres solve
the problem of replicating the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. In: Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology, 5th edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 361-363.
(2) Pardue, M.-L., and DeBaryshe, G. (2009). Telomeres in Cell Function: Cancer and
Ageing. In: eLS. (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd). Available: [doi:
10.1002/9780470015902.a0001168.pub2] [Accessed 16th October 2014].

Structure of your mini-Review
1. A Title of your own choosing, based on the assigned topic
2. An Introduction which gives the context and the areas to be explored
3. The main body which explores the topics given in the Introduction
4. A Conclusion which draws the information together
5. A Reference List showing the sources of information cited in the review
6. A word count (excluding Reference List, Figures, Tables and word count statement, but
including the Title and in-text citations).

The word limits s (excluding Reference List, the words in Figures or Tables and their legends, and the word count statement but including the Title and in-text


The content of your mini-review should clearly address the topic (the actions and significance of telomerase) but there is no one right way of doing this, so each

person can decide on the wording of their title. Different combinations of additional sources and selected content are possible while still being a valid response to

the assigned topic. Your selection and discussion of the content from your sources will provide your individual approach to the topic. The wording of your title should

therefore reflect your own approach.

Your review should include information from the two Initial References plus 1 or 2 additional
sources that you identify from your literature search. You may include further sources (i.e. more than 4 in total) but this will neither be penalized nor gain you

extra marks. You will need to dentify the relevant information, extract it and re-express it in your own words in your review (do not copy and paste as this is

plagiarism!). Avoid direct quotations of published material this is more commonly used in the humanities, not the sciences.

Graphics: Figures, Tables, Charts or Images
Identify and include in your Review, 2 graphic items which are clear, relevant and support the
text of the review. These items can be images, diagrams or illustrations, tables, graphs, or
charts (in any combination) and presented in colour or greyscale, as long as the information is clear and legible. These graphics MUST be referred to in your text they

are there to provide visual support to the written material. The graphics should each have a legend: this is a short description attached to the graphic (usually

underneath) enabling the reader to understand the content. The legend should include an in-text citation or a URL link to the original source, and this source should

be stated in full in your Reference List (see below; note, no words in the legend text or that are part of the graphic or table are included in the word count). The

main text of the legend can be exactly as in the source legend provided the citation or link is included. Position the graphics as close as possible to the relevant


Citations and Reference List
(1) Journal titles should be abbreviated with stops and italicized,
e.g. Journal of Molecular Biology becomes J. Mol. Biol.
(2) Journal volume numbers should be in bold, followed by part number in brackets (regular
font) if known.
e.g. for a journal article in the Reference List:
Schrier, S.A., and Falk, M.J. (2011). Mitochondrial disorders and the eye. Curr. Opin.
Ophthalmol. 22(5), 325-331.
and €¦€¦.(Schrier and Falk, 2011)€¦€¦ as the in-text citation.
Note: only include page numbers in the in-text citation if the source is a book extract, not if it is a journal article.

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