Breast Cancer Gene
Paper instructions:
There has been a lot of publicity surrounding the drastic measures taken by actress Angelina Jolie to elect to have a double mastectomy after discovering she was a carrier for the BRCA-1 gene in 2013. Many people are calling it heroic. Go to the following website and learn about the differences between the BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 genes:
Answer the following questions regarding both genes:
What is your opinion of what Angelina Jolie did? Do you think it is heroic or unnecessary? Why or Why not? What message do you think she is sending to the general population?
If money were not an obstacle, would you get tested for the BRCA gene?
As a female if you tested positive for the BRCA-1 gene, what would you do?
** This assignment is not about Angelina Jolie. Do not give me a history on her family. If you use other materials to garner more information about the newscasts (TMZ, Yahoo news, etc.) you must cite where you got the information about her, her family history, etc.