What is the importance and the function of cross-cultural management in international business?
August 4, 2017
Major Contributors to Play Therapy
August 4, 2017
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QUESTION 1: Choose one citation from the book that best exemplifies Bourgois and Schonberg’s theory of abuse. The citation should be maximally 5 sentences long and will not count towards your final word count. Please explain clearly why you have chosen this particular citation; i.e. why this citation offers particular insight into what the two authors mean by abuse. Ultimately, the chosen citation and your in-depth discussion of it should show that you have (1) understood these authors’ theory of abuse and (2) that you can apply this theory of abuse to the evidence mobilized in this book. One good way to answer this question might be to choose either one site (such as the hospital), or a theme (Apartheid), or a key protagonist (in the book) through which you talk about Bourgois and Schonberg’s theory of abuse.

QUESTION 2:  Choose one citation from the book that best exemplifies Bourgois and Schonberg’s theory of the moral economy. The citation should be maximally 5 sentences long and does not count towards your final word count. Please explain clearly why you have chosen this particular citation. How does this citation offer insight into (1) the moral economy and its morality (i.e. what is moral about it?), as well as (2) the moral economy and its pitfalls? One good way to answer this question might be to focus on one relationship between running two partners and to carefully describe this relationship through the theory of the moral economy as proposed by Bourgois and Schonberg. (3) Please also explain why it matters to study the moral economy.  How can our knowledge of the moral economy translate into helpful public health interventions?

In both cases, this third and last essay should demonstrate that you are able to present the reader with a clear thesis statement, that you can write coherently, that you can offer solid, detailed, and thoughtful evidence that bolsters your argument, and that you have carefully read the book (by offering ethnographic examples that bolster the information offered in your chosen citation).

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