American Democracy

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August 4, 2017
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American Democracy

American Democracy

I.    Define each of the following.  Be brief and concise (1 or 2 sentences).  (30)

Representative democracy
Limited government
Articles of Confederation
Cooperative federalism
Jim Crow laws
Establishment clause
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Supremacy clause
Miranda warnings

II.    Answer TWO of the following essay questions.  (70)

1. Name three civil liberties protected by the Bill of Rights and explain how the absence of each protection would endanger individual freedom.  Name two forms of discrimination that have been controlled by either later (post-1790) amendments and/or by legislation.  Cite at least two major Supreme Court cases that have advanced civil liberties.  Explain why each intervention was necessary to guarantee political equality.

2.  Federalism was an arrangement in the distribution of power between the national government and the state governments that evolved out of the Articles of Confederation.  Federalism itself has evolved over time.  Explain the differences between dual federalism (state centered and nation centered), cooperative federalism, and devolution or new federalism.  Give examples of each.

3.   The US Constitution was written and ratified as a product of debate and compromise.  The compromises that were achieved within the document account for many of the structural and procedural characteristics of the federal government. In that context explain:  the bicameral legislature, separation of powers, checks and balances, the electoral college and the amendment process. Give examples where appropriate.



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