Adaptation of the human body to pregnancy

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Adaptation of the human body to pregnancy

Written Assignment: Informational Booklet

weigh and make health-related decisions based on an understanding of the value and limits of scientific knowledge and the scientific method

Choose and research a topic related to human biology. Imagine that you are creating a small booklet that will become available at a local health clinic. The booklet should be educational and understandable by the general public. You may select one topic that relates to either homeostatic mechanisms or to a disease that may interest you because of your own health or family history. You will find a list of suggested topics below, or you may come up with your own. If you select a topic that is not listed below, discuss your topic with your instructor before beginning work.

Suggested topics

Homeostasis: Hydration and exercise, adaptation of the human body to pregnancy, adaptation to cold or hot weather, adaptation to starvation and its consequences, sleep and health, or nutrition and health in children.

Diseases: diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, sickle cell anemia, Huntington’s disease, colon cancer, schizophrenia, macular degeneration, hemophilia, Parkinson’s disease, osteoporosis, muscular dystrophy, or hepatitis.

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