Book Analysis
August 4, 2017
Overview Of Assignment: Hypocrisy and Behavior Change
August 4, 2017
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Answer the following questions and save as a word or text file.
Put a copy of your answers into
your lab notebook f
or use in the lab
. Go to the D2L dropbox and u
pload the file
to the
Week 7
Absorption Spectroscopy folder.
Question 1
Describe the sample you intend to use.
A discussion of suitable samples can be found
in the
experiment guide
Indicate which food dye you will be evalu
ting. Sample
selection is discussed in the procedure section of the experiment guide.
Question 2
Make a list of the oper
ations you will need to perform in order to display a spectrum of
your food dye on the spectrophotometer. For this discussion assume you will be using
the visible light source pictured in figure 8

20 of the technique book.
Question 3
Create a procedure
you can use to prepare a series of solutions to determine the molar
absorptivity of your food dye. The problem is outlined in the experiment guide
(Preparing Standards). The material on solution preparation in chapter 11 of the lab
book may be useful.
stion 4
The sample you put into the spectrometer must be clear (transparent) and not too dark.
It must not be cloudy and must not have things floating in it.
Explain why this is true.
Copy your answer
into your lab notebook s
o you have them
to use in lab


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