19th, 20th, or early 21st centuries

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19th, 20th, or early 21st centuries

19th, 20th, or early 21st centuries

Topic: Complete a research project on a topic of your choice dealing with the music of the late 19th, 20th, or early 21st centuries (not biography).

Length: three to five pages

Format: Your paper should be typed with double-spaces. The writing style needs to be formal: no personal tense, no contractions, and no colloquialisms. Develop your thoughts into clearly defined paragraphs (at least three sentences and a topic sentence). Your grade will be based on both content and writing style. You should use footnotes only if they are appropriate.

Bibliography: should contain at least five sources, including at least one article from The New Grove Dictionary of Music and three non-Internet sources. Please review the Building Bibliography document posted on BeachBoard.

Submission: Submit through the electronic drop-box on BeachBoard when you are finished. Use either the .doc or .docx designations and be sure to put your name on the paper.

1) Content (40 points)
2) Writing style (30 points)
3) Organization (20 points)
4) Bibliography (10 points)

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