Throughout the semester you will work on developing a commonplace book, which is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as “a personal journal in which quotable passages, literary excerpts, and comments are written.” For each of the required course texts, you are to select passages that speak most directly to you, with you commenting on why you find the passage so personally compelling, stimulating, inspiring, helpful, and/or engaging. If you paraphrase the texts, you will lose the points accordingly. Please write in single-space in this format: Identify the author and book and write out the passage, giving the page number, and then typing your commentary as follows, and then repeat, for the following books:
For Rifkin, The Empathic Civilization: Pick 10 passages from 10 different chapters, and for each passage, write at least an eight-sentence commentary.
For Goldberg, Writing down the Bones: Pick 7 passages from 7 different chapters, and for each passage, write at least a six-sentence commentary.
For Crossan, The Essential Jesus, pick 6 passages from the sayings portion (not the introduction) of the book and for each passage, write at least a six-sentence commentary.
For Epictetus, The Art of Living: The Classical Manual on Virtue, Happiness, and Effectiveness, pick 7 passages and for each passage, write at least a six-sentence commentary.
For Plato, The Trial and Death of Socrates: The Apology, pick 5 passages and for each passage, write at least a six-sentence commentary. Note that you are only to consider the Apology, not the other dialogues in the book.
For Las Casas, An Account, Much Abbreviated, of the Destruction of the Indies, pick 5 passages from 6 different chapters and for each passage, write at least a six-sentence commentary.