write about a piece of art

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August 3, 2017
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write about a piece of art

write about a piece of art

Your job for this paper is to find and write about a piece of art, whether it be painting, sculpture, or something else with a religious purpose. This should be an

actual work of art, not a small material item made for a religious purpose, and it must be either on display in a museum or a Church (so no rosaries, prayer wheels,

prayer cards, etc.).

You must select a work of art that you are actually able to see and study in real life, not over the internet. I suggest one of two venues for this: the best option

would be to go to the Dayton Art Institute, which has a large collection of art from both Christianity as well as from Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, and other religious

traditions. Admission is free. If you absolutely cannot get to the Dayton Art Institute, you should write on a piece of religious art on display in the Marian library

on the seventh floor of Roesch Library on campus. You can also speak with the nice folks there and see if they will show you something else special in their collection

that isn’t on display to write on. Originality in terms of subject matter for this paper will be rewarded! If you write on a subject that no one else in the class

writes on, you will receive a grade bonus.

Once you select your piece of religious artwork, your paper will consist of two additional steps:

1: Describe the work of art. Write at least two full pages telling me about it in as much detail as possible. Describe its size and shape, the colors of its different

parts, if any, the material from which it was made, any writing, and so on. Describe your work of art in such a way that someone who has never seen the object before

would be able to picture it in their minds.

2: Offer at least two full pages describing the religious significance of your work of art. Who painted or sculpted it, if the information is available? What does your

piece of religious art depict? Why is the scene or image in the work of art you choose significant for its religious tradition? What is the theology of your work of

art/what is it saying about God or gods? You will have to do a small bit of research to answer these questions. Internet sources are acceptable as well as books. If

you use a book or internet resource for your research here, cite it using MLA format, including parenthetical citations and a works cited page at the end of the

document. You are responsible for looking up and observing MLA norms. Five minutes with Google will show you how to cite various sources, including web articles,


Paper grade assignment rubric:
“A” papers fulfill the requirements of the paper prompt, but also demonstrate a level of skill in composition or creativity that goes above and beyond the norm. An

“A” is reserved for papers that are creative in some way or especially well written and organized. You may email me drafts of your papers (well in advance of the due

date) or meet with me during office hours if you would like some suggestions for how to write in this manner. This will not guarantee an A, but it will help you know

if you are on track for one or not. Merely fulfilling the requirements of the prompt will not necessarily lead to an A. Originality or extra effort expended in finding

an original work of art, i. e. something no one else in the class writes on, will put your paper on track for an A. Papers which are very strong or creative but have a

few minor issues in editing, clarity, or coherence will receive an “A-.“
“B+” papers fulfill the requirements of the prompt completely and fully. They are relatively free of spelling and grammar errors, and are coherent and readable. They

have been proofread and have no sloppy writing or editing. Papers that involve a misunderstanding of the paper topic, which nonetheless are strong or creative, may

also receive a B+.
“B” papers fulfill the requirements of the prompt in an adequate way. A “B” grade illustrates the ability to follow directions and perform the intellectual demands

required by the paper prompt in full. They are generally coherent and clear, but may have some significant spelling and grammar errors, or sloppy writing or editing.

Papers that show an inadequate grasp of the paper topic or a misreading of sources, but still show a serious attempt at working with the source material, may also

receive a B. Papers which show little effort in finding a piece of religious art or seem to show that selection of religious art was done at the last minute may also

receive a “B.” Papers with an improper use of MLA citation may also receive lower grade.

The following was my experience to the museum and the information about the piece of art work i chose:
I went to the museum in Dayton, Ohio which name is "Dayton art institute". The at work i chose was the sculpture of the arch angle Michael and i have taken

the pictures of this piece of art work. I will email you the detailed picture and it has a summary on the label beside the sculpture. It was a sculpture called "

The archangel Michel slaying the dragon" the time of this piece of art work was in c 1510-30. Please contact me if you have further questions.

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