World Civilization

In the postwar period, E. Asia has experienced some of the most rapid economic growth rates in recorded human history. This unprecedented economic transformation has been the envy of the world. Should the developmental state model pioneered by Japan, Korea and now utilized by China,
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World Civilization



The Writing assignment will be a fictional biography of a historical “everyman” or “everywoman” from one of the time periods studied in the course which is from 1780-1950s . The background, habits, culture, and worldview of this fictional person must be grounded in the social history of whatever era and place from which they derive, so we must reserach the social history of the time and place of their subject. Additionally, this person must also witness one of the significant historical events studied in this course, so we must also research whatever event was witnessed. Internet sources which are not from peerreviewed academic journals or the online version of mainstream news sources will not be accepted. 4 academic sources with bibliography Course of the semester 1: Nationalism, the Nation- States, and the International System after the French Rev 2. The Second Industrial Revolutioin and the Brith of New Ideologies 3: East Asia and South Asia in the Long 19 century 4: Africa and African in the Long 19th century: The End of Slavery and the New Imperialism 5: Migrations and Settlement in the Long 19th Century: White Settler Colonialism in the America, Russia, Oceania The Textbook we used is Words together worlds apart from 1800


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