Project description
Required Material
Case – Motivation at Norsk Petroleum -
Frederick Herzberg motivational theory –
David c McClelland’s motivational needs theory –
Chapman, A. (nd). Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs motivational model. Retrieved July 27, 2010 at:
For the SLP please read –
Optional Material
PowerPoint Understanding Organizational Behavior
PowerPoint Voice Presentation on Motivation Theories
PowerPoint Theories of Motivation
PowerPoint Work Attitudes and Behavior
Allen, G. (1998). Motivating. Supervision. Retrieved July 27, 2010 at:
Chapman, A. (nd). Motivation Resources. Retrieved July 27, 2010 at:
Chapman, A. (nd). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Self-Assessment. Retrieved July 27, 2010 at:
Chapman, A. (nd). Adams’ Equity Theory. Retrieved July 27, 2010 at:
Chapman, A. (nd). Herzberg’s Motivation Theory. Retrieved July 27, 2010 at:
Case Assignment
Work Motivation
This Case Assignment is all about work motivation.
Please note that in order for you to get an A grade on this assignment, your paper has to address both the Content and Structure Assignment Expectations (see below).
Start by reading the following case study:
Motivation at Norsk Petroleum:
Assignment Expectations (Content)
Read the case study – “Motivation at Norsk Petroleum” and the required reading material and write a 4- to 5-page paper in which you will answer the following
1. Using three theories of motivation: Maslow hierarchy of needs motivational model, Herzberg motivational theory, and McClelland’s motivational needs theory, explain
both Elizabeth Pedersen’s and Ola Rennemo’s work motivation.
2. Explain what the main differences between the three theories are.
3. What advice would you give Lisa Bohm to help her manage the situation?
Assignment Expectations (Structure)
1. Make sure that you use your own language (rather than copying sentences from the article).
2. Your paper will be graded based on the following criteria: Precision, Clarity, Breadth, Depth, Grammar/Vocabulary, Referencing, and Application.
3. Use 12-point type size (Times New Roman), double-spacing, and one-inch margins. Add a cover page and a references list.
4. Cite your sources: APA Style – Trident requires all PhD work to be in APA form. We also encourage all other students to comply with guidelines for proper citation
of references. You may use the tutorial found on the following link (press “view the tutorial”):