What were the main differences between labour politics at Mercedes and Chryslerand how did they affect process design in the two companies?

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What were the main differences between labour politics at Mercedes and Chryslerand how did they affect process design in the two companies?

Köhler, H., “Fromthe Marriage inHeavento the Divorce on Hearth: The Daimler-Chrysler Trajectory since the Merger” in Freyssenet, M. (ed.) The Second AutomobileRevolution, Paris(2009),PalgraveMacMillan,pp.309-331.






1)       Whatwerethe main differencesbetweentheMercedesandChryslerbusiness modelsinthecarsectorbeforethemerger?

2)       Whatwerethe main differencesbetweentheMercedesandChryslerproductionprocessesandhowdidthesedifferences affectthestrategicoutcomesofthemerger?

3)       Whatwerethe main differencesbetweenlabourpolitics atMercedesandChryslerandhowdidtheyaffectprocessdesigninthetwo companies?

4)       AssessFiat’stakeoverofChryslerintermsofoperationstrategyand market strategy.



(2)   Volvo Productive ModelInstructions



Holweg, M., Pil K., F. “A Break from the Past:Volvoandits Malcontents” inFreyssenet,M.(ed.)The Second Automobile Revolution, Paris (2009), PalgraveMacMillan,pp.309-331.









1)       Whatwerethe main designprinciples affecting processdesignatVolvo’sUddevallaplant?

2)       WhatistherelationshipbetweenprocessdesignatVolvo’sUddevallaplantandtheemergenceofcustomer-orientedandbuilt-to-orderapproachestocar manufacturing?

3)       Whatwerethedifferences betweenthe Volvo andFord volume/variety strategies?

4)       Whichoperation strategyshouldGeelypursuetovalorise Volvo’sproductiontechnologyandbrand?

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