To answer this essay, you may consider the following questions. What are conditional cash transfers and how did they come into being? Specifically, what are the key goals and strategies of CCT? What are the advantages and disadvantages of conditional cash transfers? Provide examples of CCT around the world. Choose a variety of sources. First, use the library and/or the internet databases to track down examples of CCTs that have been undertaken. What countries have been implemented CCTs and what outcomes have they achieved? As sources, rely on scholarly journals and books and reputable popular media (for example, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek). As well, look for expert analysis and opinions on CCTs by scholars, participants and journalists. Be sure that your search for expert analysis and opinions includes voices from across the political spectrum, and if possible, from outside the United States as well as inside. I’ve given you a start with three sources, show below. Bosman, Julie. 2009. “Cash Incentive Program for Poor Families Is Renewed,” New York Times, September 21, 2009; p. A20 (New York Edition); available online at: Fiszbein, Ariel and Schady, Norbert et al. 2009. Conditional Cash Transfers: Reducing Present and Future Poverty (Washington, DC: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank). Available online at,,contentMDK:20615138~menuPK:282766~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~theSitePK:282761,00.html Prabhu, K. Seeta. 2009. “Can Conditional Cash Transfers Work in Rural India,” Wall Street Journal, July 15, 2009; available online at: