Well, thanks for taking your time to read this. I am writer here at essayshark but to avoid victimization, I will refrain from identifying myself

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Well, thanks for taking your time to read this. I am writer here at essayshark but to avoid victimization, I will refrain from identifying myself

Paper instructions:
Well, thanks for taking your time to read this. I am writer here at essayshark but to avoid victimization, I will refrain from identifying myself. So straight to the point! We need to strike starting next Monday 7th to wed 9th in the evening. Let’s face it, the new system among other issues is indeed unfair to us as writers and our customers as well. Let me highlight some of the facts about the new system that justifies my case.
Fact #1, you have to stare at the screen for a single order until the countdown is over which in real sense takes a lot of time especially considering the fact that many customers include attachments hence causing the countdown to take even longer.
Fact #2 we can no longer multi-task like we used to! Imagine a scenario whereby you have to chat with one of your customers or probably move to a different tab like say your email or facebook or a site you were conducting a research. Guess what? You will find the countdown paused waiting for you to come back before it continues!! Just try it out and prove it yourself. If you leave the countdown at 45 sec, you will find it at 45 sec unless the order is taken or maybe at 40 sec just in case you left when it was about to turn.
Fact #3 This is the most hurting and humiliating! Now assuming you are patient and place your bid. Let’s say the countdown is 120 sec. now you look at the screen and patiently wait for the countdown to finish only to see the screen refreshing when 5 sec are remaining to mean the order is taken and you have to look for another one. This is indeed annoying!
In addition to the above grievances, I am anticipating that soon we will have no jobs since many customers will run away! Why? This is because many orders do not count the references page, abstract, and the title page. Now, apparently the system counts even the references page! I know to some this seems a good idea but put yourself in the customer’s shoes, do you think they are willing to pay that much? Furthermore, how are they even able to determine how many pages ought to be written? Or does it mean we will start inconveniencing them everytime to place a new order since more text (references) is needed? Or will you write 8 pages plus 2 references pages when you are asked to write a ten page order only to frustrate the customer and make them rate you badly and further run away?
Fellow writers, it is a high time we come together for once and force the administration to think reasonably!! It is unfair to all of us and we are also incurring expenses in terms of internet connectivity and time as well! Funny enough, it appears our opinions do not count and even the surveys we fill at the end of every peak season do not make any sense to them!
Finally, the administration should consider firing some of the support team! Some of them do not understand their work and all they can do is fine, threaten and humiliate writers!! Funny enough there is no room for dialogue and they are always “RIGHT”

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