Warring States
One historian of the Warring States has called this
period “a time of rapid and confusing change in al
most all aspects of life.†It was a time of shifting strategies for both battle and governance among competing kingdoms as well as the emergence of new technologies, significant economic change, and fundamental shifts in social relations hips of class and rank, state and society. Taking these historica
l trends into account, which philosophy – Confucian(including the philosophy of Mencius and Xunzi), Daoist (Laozi andZhuangzi), or Legalist – do you believe was most suited to itstimes? More specifically, which would you, as a Warring States king, have looked to implement in your own task ofgoverning? Why?
In answering this question, be sure to link your discussion directly to the concrete historical context of the period –bear in mind the social, economic, and political problems or opportunities that the Warring States era
presented forthe rulers of the day. Don’t forget to provide specific textual evidencefrom our broad range of readings as youpresent your case. This paper is an opportunity for you to display your engagement with our
primary source textsand our knowledge of the Warring States period — clarity, creativity, and precision in historical det ail will be rewarded!