August 3, 2017
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August 3, 2017
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Discuss about Values clarification?


The ideas and beliefs I hold are so special and have been instilled in me for a long time. According to Besjes-de, et al, (2011) values are derived from one’s personal life experiences and as a result they end up affecting an individual either in a positive or negative way. Moreover, Christie (2005) argues that ethics is an important engagement in education since it helps one understand the complexities of life and relate to life’s experiences. In my early childhood years, Ilearned values in my school, at the mosque and at home when I was with my parents. These values have been with me ever since and they have shaped me to be the way I am. Therefore my values in life are as follows:


Allah is my creator, he sees everything I do and in the end he promises that he will reward my deeds.Therefore, I have nothing to boast about because I know that everything I have, my wealth, my status, my abilities are from Him. In addition, I always look forward to spend quality time with Allah. I believe that one way to get knowledge and insights is through consistent reading of the Quran and therefore putting it into practice. Allah is interested with our actions and deeds. The way I behave must be in consistence with the values of the Quran. Having the knowledge of Islam is not only for my own benefit but it will also benefit my entire family.

My faith is based on God’s holy books. These books include Prophet Muhammad’s sayings and practices, the rules of the Quran, Psalms and scriptures from the Bible. In addition, I have based my faith on the prophets of God. I believe that these prophets had an encounter with God and their faith demonstrated there deep love and trust towards him. Therefore, I have made it my conviction to follow in the footsteps of Muhammad, Noah, Jesus, Abraham and Moses. Moreover, I am a strong believer of the judgment day, that all of us will stand before God and give an account of our lives when we were still on earth. God will determine my destiny basing on how I lived my life according to the standards of the Quran. He will reward us according to our morals whether good or bad because he is a fair and just God.

Therefore, true success is not about wealth, status, recognition or riches, it is about us spending our emotions, time, money, effort on the things that will please Allah. The most important and lasting gift that I can pass on to my children is the knowledge of Islam through the practice of the Quran.


My family consists of my father, my mother and my five sisters all of whom I look up to as my role models. I value my father since he has always demonstrated his role as the head of the family. He has been the bread winner and I have always looked up to him when I needed guidance, assurance, security and advice in life. Consequently, I value my mother since she has always demonstrated her role as the wife to my father. I have seen her wear respect in the way she approaches my father and the way she handles him. My mother has a gentle spirit within her and she has taught me how to love and respect God. I admired how she mentored my sisters and how she served us selflessly. My sisters are precious pearls and delicate diamonds to me.We have grown up together and have had our own sibling rivalry moments. In addition, I enjoy spending time with them since I realized that this helps them to avoid being influenced negatively by the opposite sex, avoid the company of friends and peers who have a negative influence on them. To sum it up, I encourage them to seek knowledge of Islam by, attending to Islamic lectures, forums, reading books and other literature on Islam, listening to radio and television programs on Islam. Even though I am older than them, I still look up to them for support and assurance. This has taught me that for one to be a leader he or she has to accept to be led and as a result lead others too.

Love (fiancée)

A perfect person does not come when you try to force changes on them but it comes as a result of accepting them the way they are. As a result, I value my friendship with my fiancée’ because she is a forgiving, confident, preserving and loving partner. Our friendship is as a result of us accepting one other’s weaknesses and embracing our strengths. In addition, I have learnt how to treat her by watching what comes out of my mouth. Words ought to build and benefit others. An idle, senseless or excessive word has no benefit and will distract us from more important responsibilities.

The kind of person I am according to my values

All that my parents taught me when I was young, I have confidently passed it on to my younger sisters. I believe according to my values that I am a teacher since I have taught them the value of inner modesty, how to groom themselves and how to relate with outsiders. As a result, every lesson I learnt in my childhood has been a gateway for me to pass it on to others. In addition, I am looking forward to impact my daughters in the future on how to present themselves not with the outside adornment or flattering words but with the inner beauty which comes from Allah and my sons on how they need to treat and relate with people.

Being the eldest daughter, means a lot of responsibilities. However, I see myself as a guardian since I am responsible for what is in my custody and apparently my younger sisters are my responsibility. In the absence of my parents, I become responsible for their well-being in that I ensure that they are well fed and well attended to.

Learning has no limits and it is my goal to keep on learning from events, circumstances and from people. I have always taken the initiative to watch and imitate my parent’s lifestyle and I will keep on learning from them even when they are old.

I hope to be a role model especially to my siblings who are looking up to me and their entire lives evolves around me. I have seen it through my parents in the way they would relate, communicate and behave around us. I would also love to be a role model to my daughters and teach them the value of respect love and obedience towards God. In addition, I would love to be a role model to my spouse and show her the respect and love that she needs.

It gives me great joy and inner peace whenever there is a solution after a major argument or disagreement. Problem solving is an avenue that results to oneness and unity. I hope to learn from my past and know how to handle issues when they emerge in the future. However, I have had a few tips on how to handle such issues and practically dealt with them especially when I relate with my siblings and my spouse.

The kind of person I want others to see in me

Listening helps an individual not to be judgmental, but to be more appreciative and grateful. I treasure listening to my parents, my friends, my spouse and my sisters. It is because of my listening abilities that they strongly confide in me. It is always respectful to take time and listen to peoples’ views and arguments before drawing conclusions.

My greatest strengths is when I am on my knees having intimate conversations with Allah. I always look forward to praying in the mosque with my fellow Islam brothers. Praying together helps us to be united and also get ideas on how to improve the Islam family. At times we do not get what we want because we fail to ask for it and we end up being miserable and frustrated.I appreciate prayer times with God because he always gives me what my heart desires. Hence the secret to our never-ending puzzles lies in prayer.


Besjes-de, B., Karin, M.., Doret, J. (2011), five values of giftedness, Vol 33 Issue 3, (p198-207)

Christie, P. (2005), Education for an ethical imagination, Vol 24, Issue 4, (p 39-44)

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