Valuation of AirThread Connections

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Valuation of AirThread Connections

Valuation of AirThread Connections

read the case first and then the sample, use the calculation result in the sample, answer question 2 — ” What discount rate should Ms. Zhang use for unlevered free cash-flows for 2008 through 2012? Is this the same discount rate that should be used to evaluate the terminal value? Why or why not?”
Please follow these steps:
1.Read the file” requirement” first, where the questions of the case “Airthread” can be found.
2.Read the file “valuation_of_airthread_connections_case1?and corresponding exhibit file “exhibits_of_the_case”
3.Then read the sample answer in the file “sample”
4.Answer question 2 in a separate word file based on the calculations in the “sample”file. You have to use your own words for analysis rather than paraphrasing from the sample file.

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