Treatment and Prevention
•Identify the primary medical management or treatment of each potential cause of death. List specific activities or medications.
•List the setting in which the medical management or treatment you identified would occur:
?Inpatient (with an overnight stay in the hospital).
?Outpatient (in an appointment with a health care provider).
?Long-term care (such as in a rehabilitation center).
?Or other (such as with a behavior choice). If you choose “other,” provide explanation of your answer in the box.
•Identify the primary surgical management or treatment for each potential cause of death. Not all of them have a surgical treatment, so some of the boxes in this column may be left blank.
•List the setting in which the surgical management or treatment you identified would occur.
•Identify the primary prevention activities or preventive care for each potential cause of death.
•List the setting in which prevention care you identified would occur.
Determine which of the three measures (medical treatment, surgical treatment, or prevention) is both most cost-effective and offers the best overall quality care. In the space folowing the table, under the heading “Table Description,” explain why you chose this measure. In one or two pages, describe how the measure you chose provides the best combination of high quality care and cost-effectiveness.