Transportation Management

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Transportation Management

Paper instructions:
(1)Explain what is meant by the Cell Transmission Model,(CTM)
Write the equation of state for each cell in the CTM and explain the meaning of each term in equation.

(2)Explain the concept of Utility, and how it is, used in congestion pricing for HOT lanes.

(3)Explain why the congestion-pricing problem as presented in the dissertation research Pg. 59, is, solved as a Non-Linear Programming problem as opposed to a

Linear Programming problem.


(4)The state of Oregon has implemented a per-mile charge for driving to replace the gas tax. Discuss the pros and cons of using this per-mile driving charge as

opposed to a gas tax.

(5)Explain the concepts: Law of Squares, GDP and Modal Split.

(6)List Five (5) agencies of the Department of Transportation and explain their functions

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