Topic: International Political Economy

August 3, 2017
“interdisciplinary” ethics committee
August 3, 2017
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Topic: International Political Economy

Topic: International Political Economy

Order Description

Assessment #2 – Research Essay (Graded)

write a 2700 word research essay on one of the following questions:

Is there any correlation between dependency and underdevelopment as the dependency theory suggests? Have the dependency and world system theories failed to provide proper explanations for the rapid economic development in China and some other East Asian countries? Give reasons for your answer.

Does the gendered division of labour generally contribute to women’s subordination relative to men in the workplace? In this context, do you see any value in taking a gender perspective while making governmental budget allocations at state and federal levels? Give reasons for your answer.

Do you agree with the view that globalisation generally benefits the rich and/or the powerful states at the expense of the poor and/or the weak states because the “market exchange is inherently unequal and exploitative” (Sweezy 1976)? Elaborate your answer with arguments.

Please in text referencing must be proper its very important,
Harvard referencing is a must and use proof also

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