To critically analyse a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Case study discussing a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
The scenario could be a patient in their mid 40?s
extensive smoking history, past year has had x3 chest infections already on maximal inhaled therapy,unable to work now due to symptoms now referred for an oxygen assessment by gp for long term oxygen therapy. (This is where I first meet the patient hypothetically)
To support my further care with critical analysing previous and current patient treatment and now oxygen therapy/ assessment process/impact/implications.But also critically analysing how the diagnosis came about( spirometry/ discuss lung function FEV1 less than 30 %, smoking history, symptoms, insidious had been progressing for at least 1 year pre diagnosis. Things improved post each treatment as per exacerbation, worked during time Managed by GP /how was it managed by gp ?correctly/current and future management.Was treatment started by the gp at the correct time(oxygen therapy.Not to focus on Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as the main subject. To include history of presenting symptoms/ smoking history ,how the diagnosis was made, social support, impact of diagnosis,(including disability score/MRC)CAT score/Health status assessment. Treatment pharmacotherapy/non pharmacotherapy/smoking cessation/
x1 paragraph to introduce patient, main body of work critically analysing treatment as per current guidelines(NICE/BTS). Conclusion 1 paragraph to summarise discussion points. No quotes within conclusion. Written in 3rd person. Ariel font 12 to be used throughout. No direct quotes, not to quote guidelines or internet sources.
Aim is to achieve a critical analysis (supported by current references) case study relating to the management of a patient with COPD from diagnosis/treatment/impact on them to being on optimal inhaled treatment, discussing the stages each inhaler was commenced. (was there an improvement?, due to the young age could briefly discuss alpha 1 anti trypsin deficiency if positive could be a reason why lung disease so significant early on(could briefly discuss potential for lung transplant)