Tips on breaking a smart phone addiction
When one has been through an addiction, it is quite redemptive to break from it. In the modern technologically advanced world, smart phones are a common addiction. The device has changed lives in a number of ways but if one is not able to stay without it becomes an addiction. There are three ways that one is able to break away from smart phone addiction;
The first step is to visualize a day without having the smart phone. Engage in the day’s activities without it and think what you would undertake without it. If one had not been able to browse the internet, would it really hurt you? Would you still find your way home if the smart phone with its apps were not there?
The second step would be to engage in a test of a complete day. Try and switch off your smart phone from one point in a day till the next and place it in a locked place. If the addiction is high, you would be forced to carry it for purpose of just feeling pleased, however just keep it off (Tapscott, 2010). You would come to know that you would be able to engage in normal activities without it. Actually you would be less tired.
The third step involves breaking the addiction forever. After successfully applying step two, analyze the experiment. At what points was it better to do without it? At what points was it not preferable not to have it? At what points would you be better if you never had the smart phone with you? This experiment would work if it took place in practice.
We are faced by a number of faults in life through not questioning what we do. The addiction to smart phone is a series of action which has to be examined. With these steps set above one would be able to transform their smart phone addiction.
Tapscott, W. (2010, December 4). How to Break Your Smart Phone Addiction. Retrieved June 22, 2012, from Yahoo Voices: