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A Project ReportSubmitted to the School of Business in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Masters in Business Administration (MBA)




The main purpose of this study laid in the analysis of Kenyan companies with their East African counterparts in terms of their market shift to using social media and mobile marketing so as to elevate the interaction with their clients. Moreover, these companies are attributed to being in a good position to promote their products and develop them. The study dwelled more on the manner through which these marketers would apply the new channels in the planning.

The research methodology which was applied in the acquisition of information was basically interviews and questionnaires. The interviews were undertaken with the help of marketing managers in the companies that took part as well as experts in social media and internet communications. The interviews took place physically and through the telephone and email. Questionnaires were also used so as to acquire the views of a set of population in a bigger population. The questionnaires were issued to the respondents who gave their opinions and gave back to the researchers. The reliability of the research is assured by the being evaluated by international management aristocrats.


Table of Contents





3.1 Introduction. 3

3.2. Research Design. 3

3.3. Population and Sampling Design. 3

3.3.1. Population Design. 3

3.3.2. Sampling Design. 3 Sampling Frame. 3 Sampling Technique. 3 Sampling size. 3

3.4. Data Collection Methods. 3

3.5. Research Procedure. 3

3.5.1. Questionnaire. 3

3.6. Data Analysis. 3

3.6.1. Findings. 3

3.6.2. Limitations. 3

3.7. Chapter Summary. 3

3.8. References. 3


Chapter 3: Social Media and Mobile Marketing Research

3.1 Introduction

A number of companies are getting the fact that they are able to connect with their clients using digital channels with more influence and less costly when compared to other channels applied like television, radio and prints. Consequently, companies and marketing experts are advised more often by their managers of how they are able to “use social” through application of the social networks and mobile marketing technology that is available (Stamoulis, 2012). This is because of the great advantage accrued from it.

3.2. Research Design

My research is based on the effectiveness that social media and mobile marketing has to the customers and the companies. This will be a descriptive research design which is brought about by the varied aspect of the social media and mobile marketing and the contrasting implications. These variables have to be accorded the necessary importance that they merit and this is dependent on real data which has been collected. In the descriptive research design, a cross-sectional technique is applied which is based on the fact that the population from which the samples of data are collected from is limited by time.

Social media and mobile marketing takes into consideration individual marketing as more important that marketing to the masses. The television, radio and print marketing apply the mass marketing strategy which is slowly fading out. These marketing channels that have been applied in the past have taken up a lot of cost and are at times less effective. Social marketing have created chances for the clients to share their views about products, brands and services(Ranchhod, 2011). The statistics or data collected is bound to show the level of effectiveness and what aspects are bound to affect their decision prior purchasing a product.

3.3. Population and Sampling Design

3.3.1. Population Design

The population from which the research will be undertaken will be in 70 households. These households have access to both traditional and the new trend of marketing which is social media and mobile marketing. This will be vital in making comparisons on which marketing channel are more effective and appeals more to the population.

3.3.2. Sampling Design

The population selected will be of contrasting aspects that will also be vital in the research. Sampling will be done considering that the population is quite small. The design that will be applied will be based on the ages of the population acquired. The application of the social media has been noted to most common based on the ages. The new generation and the old generation will be of key focus. As the old generation made use of the traditional marketing tools like newspaper, radios and televisions to acquire information while the new generation is thought to be mainly dwelled on the new technology that is thought to be catching on to the older generation. Sampling Frame

The sampling will be undertaken in a region that has both impacts of the marketing channels: the traditional marketing and the social media and mobile marketing. The frame that this research will use will be fairly balanced in terms of the age groups. This is vital so as to give us a fair judgment of how the social media and mobile marketing has been integrated. The sampling frame accords us the advantage of a region that has been affected by both forms of marketing channels. At the end of the research we will be able to get the extent that the new marketing channels have been influenced the region. Sampling Technique

The sampling technique that will be undertaken is the random sampling from the stated frame, where people who are chosen randomly within my sampling frame. This sampling technique takes into consideration just the region applicable while the data collection is not bound to type of people but based on the age, and user ability. This method of data collection is simpler and covers more people. Sampling size

The sampling size for the marketing research is 70 households who potential shoppers for varied products and have access to the traditional and new form of marketing; social media. These households are potential users of the modern and traditional marketing channels. The sampling size is fairly distributed and does not favor one age group over the other.

Age 12-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ Percentage 20% 30% 20% 15% 10% 5% Number 13 19 14 10 8 6


3.4. Data Collection Methods

In terms of the data collection methods, data will be collected from a primary source which is significant for the research as it touches on the people that making use of the social media tools. I will similarly make use of the survey method which will involve a personal survey which will be for the purpose of acquiring a high sense of accuracy.

In addition to the personal survey, I will use the structured questionnaire method of data collection. The questions are designed in a form which is reliant on the aims of the research; they ensure that relevant and valuable data is acquired. The number of questions that will be applied in the market research will be 10. The questions will involve choices for the respondents to choose from the set given. The respondent’s selection will be based on what he or she attributes to be right for them or has experienced.

After the data collection has been completed using the questionnaire. I will later apply a marginal survey which takes into consideration the response from a segment of respondents. This will be vital for the research so as to acquire the much needed affirmation whether the survey has been of any importance with reliance on the design and if the questionnaire needed any changes. When am through with the pilot survey, I will undertake a personal survey which will be based on personally meeting the respondents and get their take on the social media and mobile marketing. This will be vital in getting a more in depth and accurate take from the respondents. It is after the collection of all the data that I will process, assess and interpret the data acquired. I will go over the data collected for precision, edit the data and then tabulate the results for a more clear analysis.


3.5. Research Procedure

The research procedure will involve a pilot test of the chosen region. The test will be useful in acquiring accurate information about the research tools of questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire that is applied is to be assessed by international management peers and later tested on five renowned managers whose organizations have changed their operations from prior marketing channels to social media and mobile marketing. This will be of help to vary the instrument and acquire the relevant information that is required so as to meet the objective of the study. The research will then be sampled using stratified sampling so as to acquire the most useful representation of the population.

3.6. Data Analysis

Data analysis is a vital part of any research as one takes into consideration about the truth and presents it. The data that has been collected using the data collection methods of interview and questionnaire is applied so as to acquire meaning and be understood. The method applied for data analysis has to be able to meet the requirements of the research.

For the research to be able to look extensively into the strong point of the relationship between information composition and the earnings of the big advertising organizations, the T-test method data analysis method was applied. The data collected after analysis it is then interpreted, presented in table form. The t-test method of data analysis makes a comparison of two variables of the marketing channels so as to be able to acquire the objective of the research. The variables are the content of information to the big companies.





3.7. Chapter Summary

The social media and mobile marketing has made the big shift from the traditional marketing considering that the new marketing channels allow the users to present their opinions. The websites applied would then respond to issues that have been raised by the users (Evans, 2012). The social media has similarly come up as a way of getting updated on upcoming styles, products and similarly as a way of getting informed. This made it possible for people to purchase mobile devices can subscribe their preferred social site for constant update. Companies and business have similarly joined the band wagon by investing in social sites like Facebook, twitter and Linked In among others.

The information content that has been brought about by the social media and mobile marketing is huge making it possible to send and receive huge chunks of information. Huge companies have hence benefitted from this by getting massive earnings. This can be of no doubt as the next step that information delivery and promotion is taking. The shift to social media and mobile marketing channels is necessary for a closer connection to clients and similarly considering that a large number of the clients subscribe to these sites.





3.8. References

Cho,H.(2011).TheoreticalIntersectionsAmongSocialInfluences,Beliefs,andIntentionsintheContextof3GMobileServicesinSingapore:DecomposingPerceivedCriticalMassandSubjectiveNorms.Journal of Communication,61(2), pp. 283-­?306.

Evans, D. (2012). Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day. Indiana: John Wiley & Sons.

McClure, M. (2012). What You Need To Do In Mobile Marketing This Year. Social Media Journal. Retrieved from

Ranchhod, A. (2011). Mobile Marketing. International Journal of Mobile Marketing Vol. 6, No. 2.

Stamoulis, N. (2012). The Next Generation of Mobile Marketing: SnapTags> QR Codes. Social Media Journal. Retrieved from


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