the reason of Soveregin Hill established

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August 3, 2017
dentify and analyse what actions your brand, as a business, would need to take to implement and make the most of the marketing trend.
August 3, 2017
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the reason of Soveregin Hill established

Write it with research report format
(*no summary)

The Research Report must include the following; these must be the headings of research report:

1.At least two research questions must be formulated to provide both a focus and research framework for the report
1.1) the reason of Soveregin Hill established
1.2) the reason of visitor go to Soveregin Hill

2.the operational description of the attraction (management agency, ownership, location, opening hours, admissions, visitor services and facilities, access, etc)

3.the classification of the attraction

4.the structure of the attraction (as defined by Gunn)

5.the attraction’s relationship to an era/s Australia history/ culture outline of the ‘visitor experience’

7.the visitor communication program adopted by the attraction, and your assessment of its effective

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