The Nature of Sin; Pear Tree (Augustine)

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The Nature of Sin; Pear Tree (Augustine)

The Nature of Sin; Pear Tree (Augustine)

The Nature of Sin; Pear Tree (Augustine)

Paper details

The word limit is 750-999 words, no more no less. The paper must include at least 3 quotes. Please refere to the Writing Guidelines for more specifics.

Minimum 750-999 words (no more, no less)
Minimum of 3 quotes
– You are welcome to write on a topic of your choice. Feel free to run it by me. Suggested Topics: 1) The Nature of Sin; Pear Tree 2) The Origin of Evil: Plotinus, Augustine, and the Manichees 3) Time & Memory 4) Augustine & La Jetee 4) Augustine’s conversion & Free-will – Make sure to read the Writing Guidelines in the Syllabus folder. You will be penalized if you don’t adhere to the parameters specified there. – Text should be cited by book, chapter, and page number, e.g. “blah blah blah” (Confessions Book X.7, p. 195).

Thesis Essays (Long Papers 800-999 words):
Reflect critically upon the reading and consider some of the following:
• What were the important points made?
• What were the strongest parts of the reading?


  • What was the author trying to accomplish?
    • Was the argument convincing?
    Alternative approaches to this assignment may include:
    • Defend a particular thesis or interpretation
    • Point / Counter-point – lay out clearly a specific argument in the reading and respond to it in detail
    • A detailed account of how the specifics of some argument or part of the reading directly relates to one’s own experience
    • A letter written in the first person to the author

    All papers must include three quotations from the text(s) under consideration with proper citation. DO NOT consult or quote any outside sources (including the dictionary and especially Wikipedia).
    Be advised especially regarding these last two approaches, papers must demonstrate evidence of the student’s familiarity with the texts in the ways stated above. General advice: stay close to the text.
    Not all of the above criteria need to be addressed in a single assignment, only enough to write something substantial of the required length demonstrating that one has completed the reading assignment etc. The professor may give other specific instructions.
    Please read the Writing Guidelines available on Blackboard.

    Thesis Essays are graded according to the following parameters:
    • accuracy of the student’s explanation of the material (40%)
    • quality of the content and originality of the student’s reflection (40%)
    • quality of composition, grammar, sentence structure, length, spelling and overall care taken in the construction of an argument (20%)

    Required Text Book:
    Augustine’s Confessions (Hackett):
    ISBN-10: 0872208168 & ISBN-13: 978-0872208162
    Kindle edition available B&N Nook edition available

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