the ineffectiveness of automated machines

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the ineffectiveness of automated machines

the ineffectiveness of automated machines
A. Identify a HR topic of their choosing and explore it from a strategic and practical perspective. When and why would they pursue such a strategy? How would it be implemented? What are the considerations, risks, barriers and potential outcomes? Implications? How do you propose maximizing the outcomes associated with this HR topic?


Topic: Why HR departments have vanished from big businesses and the ineffectiveness of automated machines
When/why would they pursue such a strategy?
Outsourcing HR departments within more businesses became a strategy used by companies to alleviate the amount of work that one was wasn’t a priority within a company, in addition to saving money.
How would it be implemented?
Instead of outsourcing their H.R duties to less than one outside firm, many companies now spread out that task to many different outside providers such as payroll, benefits, and recruiting.
What are the risks, barriers, and potential outcomes? Implications?
Because of outsourcing, employees are losing critical training in career development, and
the employers are losing many important business opportunities. Relying on “800” numbers to
assist employees and customers with questions rather than the effectiveness of a well trained H.R
representative. If H.R professionals work for the same company as the employees they serve,
rather than outsourced, their interests are more closely aligned and the company would perform
How do you propose maximizing the outcomes associated with this HR topic?
The new health care reform will severely impact employers who will be overwhelmed with
the complicated nature of it. Companies believe that they will be more strategic about human resources after they outsource, this can prove to be completely the opposite. Too much of people
relying on “*800? numbers for their questions can lead to literally no human interaction and
UN answered questions. People with complex questions cannot be answered by a call center with a basic script; many companies can lose their clients through this type of frustration.






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