The future of Marketing and Healthcare

USU1330 Creative Arts – Fall 2013
August 3, 2017
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August 3, 2017
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The future of Marketing and Healthcare

The future of Marketing and Healthcare
Paper instructions:
The author of the text we have used, in another context, states: “Health care delivery revolves around customers, product/services delivery, access to care, and how care is paid for. Marketing is about customers, product design, delivery of services, access to services, and pricing of services. The marketing agenda and national and local health care agendas overlap in every aspect. Because of this overlap, marketing could participate in shaping health care at both the institutional and societal level. Whether marketing is able to participate is another question” (Hillestad & Berkowitz, p. 243).

Why is there a question about “whether marketing is able to participate?” How might marketing participate most constructively, i.e., what should be its point of view, its argument? How would this alter the debate as it has occurred to-date?


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