Effects of Facebook on interpersonal relationships Any relationship today has a third party a situation that is creating immense problems. The third party refers to the various social networking sites tat are incorporating themselves in human relationships creating very profound effects (Ellison et al., 2007). The American Academy of matrimonial lawyers notes that more than 80% of attorneys reckon that they have witnessed an increase in the number of divorce cases resulting from social networks (Ellison et al., 2007). The research further adds that many people will creep into their significant others profiles, check their Twitter timelines, and log in to see their ne connections in LinkedIn or MySpace, noting that many people in serious relationships have at one time dealt with a relationship issue that stemmed from a social media (Ellison et al., 2007). Additionally, after noticing inconsistency in a partner’s behavior, many people have approached the issue through the social networks, either by publicly breaking up through the sites, via “change of status” as offered in Facebook or posting it in their statuses (Ellison et al., 2007).