The Crucible.

Communicating Effectively Communicating Effectively Worksheet Answer the following questions, using information from this week’s readings. Respond to each question in 100 to 200 words. 1. Briefly explain the five choices speakers can make. How do these elements determine a speech’s success or failure? 2. What role does the delivery method (e.g. online, video conferencing, face-to-face, conference room) play in constructing a presentation? 3. What is the difference between hearing and listening? What are some strategies you could employ to improve your listening skills? What does it mean to listen critically? 4. What are the parts of a speech? Describe the role each part plays in an effective presentation. 5. What are some ways to use your voice and body effectively when giving an oral presentation? In which areas do you need to improve? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)
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The Crucible.


Reading Miller’s play “Crucible,” it is evident that the characteristics of the main character Elizabeth are a portrayal of the title of the play. To prove this thesis, this analysis will show that the title is a metaphor, which represents different facets in the play. Of interest is the contribution of Elizabeth to the development of this metaphor. The “Crucible” in this analysis is an item that subjects objects to considerable heat for the purposes of purification. Miller represents the “Crucible” as an item of purification by putting in the images of heat and light against those of dark and cold to depict the concepts of hell and heaven and good and evil (Miller xi). Elizabeth in this context is the focus of this analysis since she is a leading character. She plays the part as the belief of Proctor John, who discovers an affair between Abigail Williams and her husband. Elizabeth ends up throwing Abigail out of her house, but ends up the target of Abigail’s wrath. Elizabeth’s pregnancy saves her from a hanging and as she feels guilty for driving her husband into infidelity. This analysis discusses Elizabeth’s character traits, the crucibles, and how she endures problems.

The setting of the play is Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. The setting of the play contributes to the dark and light or good and evil metaphor of the “crucibles” the characters face. This is because, at the time, the inhabitants of Salem held the belief that there is a black and white line between good and evil. In this setting, the forces of darkness are real for the inhabitants, which they perceive to wreck havoc and destruction to the society (Bowers 57). The beliefs of this society give the foundation of the metaphor “crucible” as Miller describes the forest in which Abigail dances as if she is under the rule of the devil and as God rules Salem (Bowers 57). By placing, the play in this set up Miller develops the entire play around the moral contradictions in Salem, the “crucibles.” Therefore, the crucibles in this play are the religious theological restrictions imposed on the characters and the moral twists, which are causing death and hanging of innocent people like Elizabeth (Bowers 57). Therefore, this leads to the characterization of Elizabeth and her role in the play.

I find that Elizabeth is the perfect depiction of the metaphor of the title “Crucible,” because her positive qualities also represent her negative qualities. This perception is by the fact that Miller presents Elizabeth as a virtuous woman who is true and steadfast, even to her cheating husband. These traits do not make Elizabeth a friendly or welcoming person as the reader would expect, but Elizabeth comes across a little bit like a cold fish (Bowers 58). This is in the encounter with the character in the play. However, it is easy to see that her cold and suspicious personality is her suspicion of her husband’s affair with their housekeeper Abigail. Therefore, the true and steadfast nature of Elizabeth combined with the aloofness represent the “crucible.” This is the dichotomy between the cold and hot, the good and evil trait in the play (Bowers 58). Another dynamic of the character that makes her the representation of the “crucible” is her reaction to her husband’s affair. Elizabeth dots her reaction with a little vindictive streak. Upon the discovery of her husband’s affair, Elizabeth fires Abigail and drops hints around the town that taint Abigail. Elizabeth’s good and evil trait and the tense relation with her husband are in the following extract.

“PROCTOR: I am only wondering how I may prove what she [Abigail] told me, Elizabeth. If the girl’s a saint now, I think it is not easy to prove she is fraud, and the town gone so silly. She told it to me in a room alone-I have proof for it.

ELIZABETH: you were alone with her?” (Miller II. 65-74).

It is evident that Elizabeth is aware of the affair, and her actions of tainting Abigail in the town. Elizabeth vindication against her true and steadfast nature depicts the first crucibles in her role. It is evident that Elizabeth is trying to be a stand-up woman throughout the play. This is because she struggles, with the forgiveness of her husband and her power, to let go of anger, and her hatred for Abigail (Bowers 59). Her dislike for Abigail can be justified with her near-death hanging after Abigail tries to get rid of her, by labeling her of witchcraft. This is in conversation with Proctor in Act II, after her losses all trust in him.

“PROCTOR, his anger rising: For a moment, I say. The others come in coon after.

ELIZABETH, quietly-she has suddenly lost all faith in him: Do as you wish, then, She        starts to turn.

PROCTOR: Woman, She turn to him. I’ll not have your suspicion any more.

ELIZABETH, a little loftily: I have no” (Miller II. 65-74).

The play opens up to a scene in a small bedroom in the house of Reverend Parris Samuel. In this first scene, the reader encounters Elizabeth’s first crucible, in the form of another character named Abigail. Abigail has been working in the home of John and Elizabeth, but is keeping quite on her firing from Elizabeth’s home (Bowers 59). Abigail informs the Reverend that she left as she could not allow Elizabeth to treat her like a slave. However, when John Proctor enters the scene, the reader learns of the relationship between John and Abigail as she still lusts after him (Bowers 60). The second crucible for Elizabeth is her relationship and marriage to John as seen in Act Two. In this act, Elizabeth is cold and lofty to her husband following her suspicion of the affair. However, the biggest crucible for this character is the fact that she faces condemnation. Elizabeth did receive a poppet from Mary Warren, for saving her life in court after the mentioning of  Elizabeth’s name. To Elizabeth this represents the deleterious consequences of the promises Proctor made to Abigail when they had sex (Bowers 60). However, her belief that harmful consequences do occur, her innocent side does not belief in witches. Miller portrays this by showing Elizabeth’s refusal to accept that there are witches, when Hale approaches her about her mentioning in court. Elizabeth believes that she is an righteous woman, and therefore, the devil cannot take possession of her. This is in the following conversation between Hale, Proctor, and Elizabeth.

“PROCTOR: I have no knowledge of it; the Bible speaks of witches, and I will not deny    them.

HALE: And you, woman?

ELIZABETH: I-I cannot believe it.

HALE, Shocked: You Cannot!

PROCTOR: Elizabeth, you bewilder him!

ELIZABETH, to Hale: I cannot think the devil may own a woman’s soul, Mr. Hale, when she keeps an upright way, as I have. I am a respectable woman, I know it; and if you believe.”   (Miller Act III. 13).

The character is a blameless victim as the only sin she commits is lying in the court that Proctor’s affair with Abigail did not occur. Miller makes the character lie in the play in this instance, the first time the audience sees the dark side of the character. Her attempt save her husband by lying represents Elizabeth’s crucible as she ends up damning him rather than protecting him (Bowers 60).

Overall, Elizabeth’s crucibles are her true and steadfastness to her relationships, especially to her husband. Despite the fact that she was aloof and nifty about forgiving him, Elizabeth ends up defending him in court. However, Elizabeth does not plead with Proctor on the day he is to die, as a sign of confession and save his life. Elizabeth tells her husband that he is a decent man and she are aware of this trait. However, she blames herself for the affair for she was a cold wife to him. This realization represents the end of the play as Elizabeth regains her generous nature after her realization while in prison that she was a cold wife. Elizabeth believes that her aloofness was the product of the lack of self-love, which causes her not to receive love from her husband.



Works Cited

Bowers, Kristen. The Crucible Literature Guide (Common Core and NCTE/IRA Standards-Aligned Teaching Guide). Victorville, CA: Secondary Solutions, 2006. Print.

Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. Soho, UK: Methuen Drama Student Edition, Black Publishers Limited, 2010. Print.



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