Criticism of an article review
The article review titled “The benefits of de-worming HIV-infected children”. Is a summary of the importance of de-worming HIV-infected children from a research “Integration of De-worming in to HIV care and treatment: A neglected Opportunity”. The article attaches weight to the significance of de-worming in dealing with HIV infections in children. It highlights the objectives of the author in carrying out a scientific research.
The article title is relevant and corresponds to the objectives of the scientific research. The researcher’s aims were to establish the importance of de-worming and its contribution towards reducing HIV- related deaths in children. The title is accurate, very descriptive and captivates the mind of the reader. It captures the reader’s attention because of the threat of HIV in children, which has been addressed as a terminal disease. According to Gerns, Laura, & Judd (2002), Medics have carried out researches to establish vaccines and treatment for HIV infections but no significant progress has been made. It is therefore important to focus on how to minimize the effects of HIV infections, especially among the children. The article reviews the effective, practical and in-expensive approach to reduce malnutrition, stunting and parasite prevalence in the body (Noland, 2006).
A suggestion for an appropriate title for this article could be; “DE-WORMING, an intervention to HIV-infected children”. Emphasis should be attached to de-worming which is the action to be executed. The facts highlighted in the article are very true and deserve anyone’s consent. The significance of de-worming HIV-infected children is explained. It has been observed by Walton, Herrin, & John (2009) that the consequences of severe HIV infection in children can be reduced through proper bi-annual de-worming. It is a safe, very effective and a cost-effective strategy towards reducing malnutrition, stunting and internal prevalence of parasites. The benefits derived from proper nutrition include, reduction of other infections, increase in vaccine responsiveness, and delay in HIV progression.
The article is a highlight and summary of the important facts from the published research. The descriptions are precise summaries from critical analysis of the research. Although, alternative interventions which are necessary for improving childhood health, were not discussed. These interventions include; immunization, vitamin supplements, treated insecticide bed nets, and clean drinking water. These interventions are also aimed at reducing HIV-related mortality in children (Gerns et al., 2002).
Noland (2006) focused only on the importance of de-worming in children. Other important aspects that should be included in the article are the consequences that result from HIV infections like impaired cognitive growth and anemia, which are very risky and increases mortality rates. And the challenges experienced in de-worming. The main aspects that could constitute my article could be the importance of de-worming HIV-infected children, the challenges in de-worming, alternative interventions to improve childhood health, and proper nutrition in children. The greatest challenge in de-worming HIV-infected children is failing to get complete interventions, due to absenteeism from schools where the interventions are mostly provided. The other alternatives to improve childhood health are through, immunization, proper nutrition and vaccination (Walton et al., 2009)
Scientific research is very important to the general public. The discovery of new and important issues in society has been facilitated. The community is enlightened about issues that have been discovered researchers. Thus awareness, education, interventions and guidelines are developed. New strategies and resolution are emerging in health due to scientific researches. Drugs and vaccines have been developed for treatment and prevention of diseases that were incurable.
Gerns, Helen L., Laura R. Sangaré, and Judd L. Walson. (2002). “Integration Of Deworming Into HIV Care And Treatment: A Neglected Opportunity.” Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases 6.7 1-2. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Sept. 2012.
Noland perkar,(2006, August 3). “The Benefits Of De-worming HIV-Infected Children.” Medical News Today. Retrieved from Web. 27 Sept. 2012.
Walson JL, Herrin BR, John-Stewart G (2009) “Deworming helminth co-infected individuals for delaying HIV disease progression”. Cochrane Database Syst Rev CD00641.