supply chain

Peter Bowler: Charles Darwin: the man and his influence
August 3, 2017
Project Schedule Assessment Description
August 3, 2017
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supply chain

supply chain
Discuss the Ravichandran cases, refering to the article provided and a range of other sources regarding the bullwhip effect.

Questions for discussion:

1. What contributes to the effect? List and briefly explain some reasons taken from the case.

2. What are the implications for the Bullwhip retailer and the factory at the two ends of the supply chain, e.g. how does it affect their business in real life?

3. How can supply chain management and electronic commerce technologies (information systems) help to reduce the effect?

Do not provde an answer in three sections. The narative should be synthesised, integrated and linked, providing a critical and organised demonstration of understanding in key areas of knowledge relevant to the work

Question 2 [1250 words, 25 marks]

You are initially required to undertake a review of associated Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Information Technology (IT) research, literature and case study information.

From this work then prepare an essay to discuss the implications of how the successful use of IT within contemporary supply chains can benefit all business partners, citing appropriate case study examples (minimum of three). The essay should comprise:

• Introduction
• Review of SCM and IT concepts
• Documentation of review findings
• Discussion of findings
• Conclusions and future directions
• Reference list
Supply Chain Management Module Assignment Part 2
The notes and general information provided in Part 1 of the assignment are applicable to these questions.
Company X is a medium sized PLC food manufacturing company with 150 employees involving in producing, storing and delivering the ready meals and sandwiches. They have been certified in ISO9001 and have an established quality improvement culture. They have currently been in a big competition in quality of service and planned to be differentiated in Delivery performances by improving delivery on-time, reducing delivery lead time, reducing deviation from schedule in delivery and reducing transport cost. Critically evaluate these two issues in relation to their stated goals in this company:

Question 3 [2000 words, 35 marks]

How integration of lean and Six Sigma in the Supply Chain measures can reduce delivery lead time and transport cost in the company? You need deeper into these practices and provide some practical tools and techniques

Question 4 [1000 words, 15 marks]

How collaboration and cross-functionality can support implementing lean and Six Sigma to solve problems in question 3?



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