Statistics emperical study

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Statistics emperical study

Statistics emperical study
Project description
please read the bellow description and fallow all steps.
• One page written description of an empirical study appearing in a peer reviewed journal (professional journal).

• Attach the article to your paper (must turn in a copy of the article – not a reference or link that requires your TA to pull and copy or print).
• In your response, answer the following:

1. What was the question under study? (the cause-effect relationship – identify the exposure and the outcome, and/or the hypothesized relationship)

2. What was the source of data for this investigation? (sample/s)
3. What study design was used? (experimental, cross-sectional survey, longitudinal)
4. What was the key result based on a statistical test (t test, p value)

Select an article where the researcher is reporting on the findings of one study (not a summary of many studies that does not include the details you need to write about).

make sure it should be 1 page not half page.


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