Shadow Banking

Islam: The Misunderstood Religion
August 3, 2017
The gilded age
August 3, 2017
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Shadow Banking

All research papers must be scholarly/scientific and original. Write formally, clearly and concisely. Create a compelling narrative in which the parts follow one

another logically and together make an eloquent statement. Email a first draft and email and print a final draft.
Papers are about 1,000 words, with about six sources, with at least one each using APA, Chicago, and MLA styles. Work out of class. Turn in on schedule.
Stage One (Prep Work) (Maintain online access.)
Choose one from the list of topics provided.
Sources must be authoritative. Use any you can find, including Search Engines, books, and the SMC Library Website. No anonymous sources.
12-point Times New Roman font. (no CAPs , UND, or bold).
Use italics for independent titles and names of periodicals.
Look for authoritative sources.
List of Evidence: make a long, detailed list of words and phrases that bring your topic to life: real life, facts, physical, concrete. Highlight, copy and paste

into your file from your online sources.
Thesis: State the question(s) you hope to answer in your paper.
Outlining: group the items by mutual similarity and label them A, B, C . . .  Then,
arrange the items within these groupings into a logical order (a, b, c, . . . ).
Correctly formatted bibliography
Be sure to thoroughly identify your work by name, class, and section number.
Stage Two (Preliminary Draft) (Save, email, and print.)
Work single-spaced.
Body: write your material up into a narrative, without stopping.
Intro: write a paragraph that compels your reader to keep on reading.
Conclusion: Recapitulate your major points and point forward.
Correctly formatted bibliography of at least six sources.
Email and turn in hard copy.
Stage Three (Final Draft) (Print and email to me.)
Highlight Stage Two and make a copy below Stage One.
Work on this copied version
Objectify: read your paper aloud, or have a friend do so, and note what improvements are needed.
Cut to minimum length necessary to convey your essential meanings.
Edit for technical errors: capitalization, comma splices, number, number agreement, pronoun reference, punctuation, repetition, spelling, tense consistency,

transitions, and word forms.


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