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refer to the number of references/sources in assignment information

Aims of the role-play

•    FNDN301 – Advanced Academic Skills in Critical Contexts
o    My name:  Roslind Brown
o    My email address:  [email protected]
o    The University:  University of New England (Australia)
o    The degree its part of:  Bachelor of Training and Development
o    The unit:  FNDN301 – Advanced Academic Skills in Critical Contexts
o    When it is due:  Submission date:  31 May 2015
Note to assignment writer.  This assignment may require you or me to login and give you some information as reference to the course materials just email me on [email protected] and I will be happy to provide you with the login details or email you the information

Assessment Information, instructions, questions, etc

Research and apply a theory of justice to an aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that you have researched in this unit. Choose from the following three (3) theories of justice:
Retributive justice
Restorative justice
Distributive justice
You should provide some reference to and analysis of at least two scholarly journals articles, and at least eight sources in total in your essay.
This is an ambitious question and, given this, I have provided detailed help that can be found in the Long Essay Materials section under Assessment Details. Additional resources will be added to this resource as the unit progresses.
Remember, you don’t need to refer to these materials for your answer, nor are you confined to using the resources provided in any one suggested approach. If you are concerned about your approach, please feel free to email me to discuss your plans and I will happily provide feedback. Again, I should reemphasise that I am not expecting you to become overnight experts in international relations and conflict resolution. My aim is to get you to look at a complex situation and to see how a more theoretical academic approach might be applied to it. This is what university learning, as a community of scholars, is all about. I will be looking for the way you frame your argument (not biting off more than you can chew for instance) the way you present the argument (justifications for the claims you make for example) and the way you use the literature you have researched.
Marking Criteria
I have purposefully used the below criteria as it is a generic one that will reflect how many of your assignments would be assessed across the University. Bear in mind that you should consider how you have applied the key elements of the question relates to it. Primarily you need to clearly identify your thesis (standpoint) in the introduction, then construct a well structured essay that includes the reasons why you hold such a thesis. In this context the required skill is to form a well structured argument applying theory to at least one aspect of the real life situation. Please also pay attention the presentation, word limits, referencing and non-discriminatory language guidelines discussed below.
Grade (Code)    Explanation
Fail (N)
Less than 50%    Unsatisfactory performance indicating inadequate and insufficient understanding and/or application of the subject matter; achieves few or none of the basic and higher-order intended goals for the assessment tasks; numerous substantive errors of fact, omission and/or application present; clear and unambiguous evidence of non-possession of most or all required skills; insufficiently demonstrated level of interpretive and/or analytical ability and intellectual initiative; inadequate level of competence.
Pass (P)
50 to 64%    Satisfactory performance indicating adequate but incomplete or less well-rounded understanding and/or application of the subject matter; achieves many basic but very few or none of the higher-order intended goals for the assessment tasks; several serious flaws or many minor ones; clear and unambiguous evidence of possession of an adequate level of an acceptable number of required skills; demonstrated adequate level of interpretive and/or analytical ability and intellectual initiative; adequate level of competence.
Credit (C)
65 to 74%    Good performance indicating reasonable and well-rounded understanding and/or application of the subject matter; achieves all basic but only a few higher-order intended goals for the assessment tasks; a few more serious flaws or several minor ones; clear and unambiguous evidence of possession of a reasonable level of most required skills; demonstrated reasonable level of interpretive and/or analytical ability and intellectual initiative; reasonable level of competence.
Distinction (D)
75 to 84%    Very good performance indicating reasonably complete and comprehensive understanding and/or application of the subject matter; achieves all basic and most higher-order intended goals for the assessment tasks; some minor flaws; clear and unambiguous evidence of possession of a high level of required skills; demonstrated high level of interpretive and/or analytical ability and intellectual initiative; high level of competence.
High Distinction (HD
85% and above    Excellent performance indicating complete and comprehensive understanding and/or application of the subject matter; achieves all basic and higher-order intended goals for the assessment tasks; minimal or no errors of fact, omission and/or application present; clear and unambiguous evidence of possession of a very high level of required skills; demonstrated very high level of interpretive and/or analytical ability and intellectual initiative; very high level of competence.

Presentation of Assignment 4
Please note the following format requirements for written assignments in this Unit:
• All submitted assignments must be word-processed using 1.5 spacing, and printed on one side of the page only.
• Use Times New Roman or Arial fonts.
• Font 12pt, Margins 2.5 – 3cm, line spacing 1.5, line between paragraphs.
• Use A4 paper and include your name and page number consecutively throughout the assignment, in the upper right corner, or centred at the top.
• Attach a title page that includes your name, student number, course code, the assignment question and word count. (e.g. FNDN301; Assignment 4) and the name of the Unit Coordinator.
• Edit your work carefully including for punctuation, spelling, sentence and paragraph construction, and referencing.
• Use APA Referencing Style and avoid lengthy quotations from sources.
Word limits
You are required to comply with word limits. They encourage conciseness, and they also provide a good indicator of the depth to which you are expected to go. You are, of course, not expected to achieve exactly the required length and a 10% leeway on either side is acceptable.
Referencing written work
Ensure that all references cited in your assignment are listed in a reference section, where they should be listed alphabetically in order of authors’ surnames. All sources (including books, journal articles and websites) should be listed together, not in separate sections.
Please use APA referencing style for this unit and consult ASO fact sheets on matters of referencing, quotation, paraphrasing and so on.
Non-discriminatory language
You must be careful to use non-discriminatory language in assignments. You must avoid language that makes inappropriate reference to sex, disability, language, race and ethnicity. More information is available from UNE Equity at Student Assist (02 6773 3591) and the Aboriginal Unit, Oorala (02 6773 3034). A fact sheet on Using Non-discriminatory Language is also available from the Academic Skills Office at

1 Long Essay Materials
Assignment 4 Question:
Research and apply a theory of justice to an aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that you have researched in this unit. Choose from the following three (3) theories of justice:
Retributive justice
Restorative justice
Distributive justice
You should provide some reference to and analysis of at least two scholarly journals articles, and at least eight sources in total in your essay.

The relationship between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples is obviously complex, but the theme of justice recurs in many different ways and regarding many different aspects of the situation. Depending on one’s position and history, ideas of justice might both provide opportunities and hindrances to any resolution of the situation.
This is a general question that allows you a lot of latitude as to how you approach it. For this reason it is very important that you carefully consider your argument and ensure you ‘frame’ it by showing how you will limit it to a certain focus and state this clearly in your introduction. For instance, in your research you might find a lot that relates to the law. I wouldn’t expect you to provide a comprehensive law essay, but you could use elements of this type of material to inform an argument about the nature of human rights for example. You should also be careful to clearly spell out your own thesis in one or two sentences in your introduction.
For example, you might like to focus on the security wall that divides Israel and many parts of the Occupied Territories. How does justice relate to this? You could take many approaches to this question. For instance, you could say that it is a matter of distributive justice: that it clearly disadvantages certain people economically, medically, and in terms of their freedom.
These three notions of justice are outlined below.
The main thing to remember is for you to form a manageable and clear argument and then to provide reasons that back it up. If you are concerned about your approach, you may email me with an outline of what you plan to do and I will be happy to provide feedback. Please be aware that I cannot look at essay drafts, as this would be inequitable if I didn’t do it for everyone.
The topics and resources listed in the following pages are suggestions only. You are welcome to use them, but you may want to take a different tack altogether. Please also be aware that some of the resources listed under one particular topic might well be used in other areas.
To get started you might like to look at this overview of some theories of justice that can be found at:

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