Role of Saving and Credit Schemes to Agricultural Marketing in UGANDA Case study Kampala Matooke(Bananas) Market traders in the main general markets
The topic above i have the problem statement and objectives of the study as provided below but i need correction on whether the topic is in line with problem statement and objectives and also help me correct the questionnaire provided below,and also help me create a proper introduction and background to the study and also a methodology of study using EPINFO SPSS and also EXECL where necessary .Below is the problem statement, objectives and questionnaire:
Problem statement
Agricultural marketing plays an important role in the stimulating production, consumption and also accelerating the pace of economic development. Marketing gives signals to increase the production and there by ensures the availability of goods and services. If marketing activity is improved /developed, demand for goods increases, production increases and therefore more demand for inputs. In the market environment, consumers, competitors, intermediaries and suppliers are the key variables that influence an enterprise/business. The trades being an intermediary between the farmers in the rural areas and the consumers/suppliers, largely depend on the suppliers to run their business since they provide capital to the trades, As a way of improving marketing, Saving and credit schemes were set up in the markets such that the traders become apart of the suppliers of capital, that’s to say their own suppliers of capital through saving with and borrowing from the SACCO than depending entirely on consumers. SACCOs, through their activities of advancement of loans, accumulation of client’s savings and educating traders have helped in managing and expanding their purchases and sales/ revenue. Therefore the purpose in of the study in general is to understand the social and economic change created by the saving and credit schemes among the traders in the main general markets in Kampala but mainly aimed at establishing whether saving and credit contribute to the growth of purchases (restock) and sales/revenues of market traders.
Objectives of the study
General Objective
To examine the role of saving and credit schemes to agricultural marketing in Uganda in terms of purchase (restock) and sales/revenues of agricultural produce market traders in Kampala main general markets.
Specific Objective
To find out whether saving by venders contributes to their purchase and sales/revenue and generally to their social well being.
To find out whether loan accessibility by venders contributes to purchase and sales/revenue of the venders
My name is ………………………………………… a student at Makerere University pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Quantitative Economics.
Purpose of study; The study is aimed at establishing whether agricultural market saving and credit schemes contribute to the growth of purchases and sales/revenues (profitability) of market traders. Strict confidentiality is a guarantee. Thank for you time and cooperation.
Name of Respondent(optional)
Questionnaire No_. ……………..
A1: What is your sex? 1=Male 2=Female
A2: What is your religion? 1= Moslem, 2=Protestant, 3=Catholic, 4=SDA,
5=others (specify)………
A3: What is the highest level of education attained? 1=none, 2=primary, 3=O-level, 4=A-level, 5=Diploma, 6=Degree.
B1: On average, what was value of the restock in terms of money? A=at the start (1=Money…………., 2=Bunches……) B=current (1=Money……..…… 2=Bunches……)
B2: On average, what was your revenue per restock? 1=at the start………… 2=current………..
C1: Are you a member of the any SACCO? 1=Yes, 2=No
C2: Since you start in business have you been saving? 1=Yes, 2=No, If no go to C7
C3: If yes, where do you save? A= SACCO only (1=yes, 2=No), B= Bank only (1=yes, 2=No), C=Both Bank & SACCO (1=yes, 2=No), D=other (specify)……………….. if yes for B go to C5
C4: For SACCO, do you face hard time obtaining your savings? 1=Yes, 2=No
C5: Averagely, from the profits of each restock how much you do save? ………………………..
C6: What do use the savings for? (Tick all applicable) A=Restock (1=yes, 2=No), B=Diversification (1=yes, 2=No), C=Home improvement (1=yes, 2=No), D= Deus/Fees (1=yes, 2=No), E=Social activities(1=yes, 2=No), F=others specify…………………
C7: What challenges do you face as far as saving is concerned? (Tick all applicable) A=Low incomes (1=yes, 2=No), B=Loss of stock (1=yes, 2=No), C=High cost of living (1=yes, 2=No), D=High deposit charges(1=yes, 2=No), E=little interest on savings (1=yes, 2=No), F=others specify……………
D1: Have you borrowed in the last year? 1=Yes, 2=No, If no go to C3.6
D2: If yes, where do you borrow from? A=Bank only (1=yes, 2=No), C= SACCO only (1=yes, 2=No), B= Both Bank & SACCO (1=yes, 2=No), D=others (specify) ……………..
D3: How many times and what’s the highest amount you borrowed for use in the business? A= No_…… B=Amount……………
D4: Did you face delays/difficulties when obtaining the loan? 1=Yes, 2=No
D5: Have/has the Loan(s) obtained helped you in your business? 1=Yes, 2=No
D6: What did you use the Loan(s) for? (Tick all applicable) A=Restock (1=yes, 2=No), B=Diversification (1=yes, 2=No), C=Home improvement (1=yes, 2=No), D= Deus/Fees (1=yes, 2=No), E=Social activities(1=yes, 2=No), F =others specify…………………………..
D7: What challenges have you faced in paying the loan? (Tick all applicable), A=Low revenues (1=yes, 2=No), B=Loss of stock (1=yes, 2=No), C=High cost of living (1=yes, 2=No), D=High collateral security (1=yes, 2=No), E=Short term repayment period (1=yes, 2=No), F=High lending rate(1=yes, 2=No), G=others specify…………………
Thank you for your cooperation
Thanks very much