Research Paper, Macro & Micro economics

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Topic: Develop an argument on the following topic. Remember that an argument requires you to state a main claim (thesis), supported by reasons and evidence from the text itself (in the form of summary, paraphrase, and quotation, as appropriate
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Research Paper, Macro & Micro economics

Research Paper, Macro & Micro economics

Demand and Supply
Project description
The use of E-Books has increased in recent years, especially with the advent of mobile E-Readers. A marketing research firm recently developed the following supply and demand schedules for E-books:
Price/E-Book Quantity Demanded Quantity Supplied
$18 4000 10,000
16 5000 9500
14 6000 9000
12 7000 8500
10 8000 8000
9 9000 7500
8 10000 7000
7 11000 6500
6 12000 6000
5 13000 5500
4 14000 5000
2 15000 4500

Using Microsoft (MS) Excel, construct a graph showing supply and demand in the E-Book market based on the data above. (Save this file because you will re-work it later in the assignment.) When finished, copy and paste or import your graph into an MS Word document.
(Tutorials for working with MS Excel and MS Word can be found through the Tutoring Services and Tutorials link at the top of the page.)??In your MS Word document, below your imported graph, respond to the following:
1. Explain how the Laws of Supply and Demand are illustrated in this graph.
2. Describe the equilibrium price and quantity in this market.
3. Assume that the government imposes a price floor of $12 in the E-Book market. Explain what would happen in this market.
4. Assume that the price floor is removed and a price ceiling is imposed at $6. Explain what would happen in this market.
5. Now, assume that the price of E-Readers (used with E-Books) drops by fifty percent. How would this change impact the demand for E-Books? Explain your answer. Then, reconstruct your original graph to show this change and place it in your MS Word document below your explanation.
Remember, quotations, paraphrases, and ideas you get from books, articles, or other sources of information should be cited using APA style. Help with citing sources can be found through the Academic Resources page under Course Home.
Save your MS Word file using the filename LastnameFirstInitial_M1A3 and submit it to the M1: Assignment 3 Dropbox by Wednesday, December 18, 2013.
Assignment 3 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Correctly constructed the supply and demand graph. 12
Answered Question 2-5 correctly, 15 points each. 60
Answered question 6 correctly and correctly constructed a new supply and demand graph. 8
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 20
Total: 100


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