Research Essay: The Apology Custom Essay

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Research Essay: The Apology Custom Essay

Introduction During 431 and 404 B.C. Athens was going through a transition of power as it was at war with Sparta and was being defeated in the Peloponnesian War. That time period was the end of the Athenian Golden Age. It was during this time that Socrates had a great influence on the youth of Athens and was accused of corrupting the Athenian youth and disrespecting their god by making up new gods. The Apology is Plato’s attempt to put forth an account of Socrates speech at the trial in order to defend his reputation and honor after his trial and execution. The Apology The passage 20c till 24e from the Apology focuses on Socrates argument that he is neither like the Pre-Socratics not the sophists. Moreover, he goes on to explain the reason why he is being accused of corrupting the young minds of Athens and disrespecting their god by inventing his own deities. According to him, he is being accused because of the reputation he has developed over the years for having wisdom.

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